metatag LETTERS - brazzil



The Brazilian Internet explosion was so fast that in only five years
the Brazilians online outnumbered Mexican Internet users. By 1999, Brazil had the third
highest number of Internet users in the Americas, only losing to the United States and
By Brazzil Magazine

As a member of the ever-expanding underground movement of Brazil nuts in the US I
always look forward to the next issue of Brazzil. Just today received the latest
issue. As a photographer and a writer who is obsessed with Brazil I find your magazine
informative as well as a source for creative inspiration. I have been traveling to Brazil
regularly for the last 16 years.

I was there on three separate occasions last year alone, on one trip I spent a couple
of months working on a Brazilian film production. I have been married to a Brasileiro
for seven years now and we have a home in NY as well as São Paulo. I am writing a script
with/for a very respected Brazilian filmmaker. Of course it’s about an estrangeiro
in Brazil. As I said Brazzil has been more than helpful as a source of facts and
material. But alas, as I went to insert the March issue into my small though growing
library of small black and white magazines, I did a count and realized I didn’t receive
all the issues since I subscribed. I’m missing (and I do mean I’m missing—saudade)
the September and January issues. I know I could read them on line but if it’s possible to
get these issues to fill the void in my library it would be much appreciated. In the
meantime, keep up the good work.

John Clifford
New York, NY

No Going Back

I am a Brazilian communications student in Pennsylvania who every month checks the Brazzil
magazine. Every month you bring articles that are interesting and sometimes they make me
mad. I have read on the latest issue the article "The American Nightmare" about
adopted kids from Brazil who are being deported from the United States. I was outraged by
this calamity and by the absurd trick the INS is playing on these kids. I believe this
situation must not be ignored or hushed by American authorities. This deserves a gigantic
coverage by the media. I am not aware of how the Brazilian media is handling the case, or
if they even know about it, but I am ready as a student and as a free lance writer for
different magazines and college papers to bring forth such a story.

Fernando Oliveira
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania

From Fry to Fire

The Americans want to keep Elian but deport Herbert and Silva? Do they realize that
these "Brazilian" youngsters were taken to America by Americans? I think that
what the American immigration is doing is very wrong. The youngsters escaped from the
frying pan into the fire.

C. M.
Via Internet

The Prince and the Pauper

I am doing research on a documentary on the gap between the rich and the poor,
particularly in Brazil. The programme is being made for broadcast on BBC World as part of
a series called "Life", which is an examination of the impact of globalization
on life at the beginning of the 21st century.

It is a "think piece", containing interviews with various "experts"
(both for and against the eradication of poverty) interspersed with human stories. I
wonder if you could put me in touch with people in Brazil (we’ll be in São Paulo and Rio)
who could help me to understand the situation there, or who would be good interview
subjects. The director (Steve Bradshaw) is thinking of interviewing a very wealthy person
(I’m thinking of Roberto Marinho), and then the poorest of the poor in the favelas.
Any advice or suggestions would be most welcome! Thank you.

Sian Buckley
London, England

A Tip, Anyone?

I hope you will be able to answer a question for me. Some time ago I saw an article in
an American magazine, Civil War Times, about an organization in Brazil or a
group of people called "Os Confederados". Our local newspaper, The Herald-Sun
also carried an article about this group, including photographs. These people are the
descendants of Confederate veterans who emigrated to Brazil after the American Civil War

To preserve their Southern heritage and the English language they began holding an
annual festival a few years ago, I think in a place called Americana. The festival is
always held in November. I am very anxious to contact someone from this organization. I
have relatives who fought for the Confederacy and am involved with Civil War reenactments.
I would be most grateful if you would respond to this message and, if possible, put me in
touch with someone from the organization.

Fred Hawkins
Durham, North Carolina

How About

My congratulations go your way. I just finished reading an excerpt of Brazzil
and found it to be educating and wonderful. My question is, does your magazine or has Brazzil
ever published articles relating to epilepsy or alcoholism? And what about pediatric and
geriatric AIDS? I ask these questions because we as a universe of people should be aware
of these conditions and diseases. I am 39 years old and have had epilepsy for 35 years.

Nikolas Torres
Via Internet

Fatal Attraction

Philip, I read your article entitled "Lessons in Revelry" in the March 2000
issue of Brazzil. I must tell you, I really enjoyed it. The wonderful touches of
humor you included and the rest of your story gave me a feeling of just how crazy Carnaval
really is. I just started dating a Brazilian girl in Los Angeles (she’s been living here
in the States for five years now) and we picked up the issue of Brazzil after she
took me to a Brazilian restaurant in Hollywood.

She’s trying to teach me all about this Brazilian stuff, so she makes me read all these
different articles. Since I don’t speak Portuguese, thank God your article was in English.
LOL. Anyway, I just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your article. I
certainly hope to get down to Brazil some day because I hear you can kiss girls on the
street for no reason other than you’re attracted to them. Now that really sounds like fun.

Los Angeles, California

Show and Tell

I am a teacher at a small school in Canada. We teach our children about Brazil when
they are in grade 8. They find it fascinating and we learn a lot over the course of the
year. Unfortunately my school has no videos to show them. My school does not have a lot of
money to spend and I am trying to find some place that has videos that are very
inexpensive or preferable free. The videos do not need to be new, they can be used or
older, but I just would like to be able to show the children video of the beautiful
country and culture. If you have or are aware of any place or person that would have what
I am looking for please let me know.

Jason Smith
Edmonton, Canada

Fila News

It was great to see the article you published on the Fila Brasileiro. It is a valuable
information for those who are interested in the breed. Please announce in your next issue
that on November 11/12 the Fila Brasileiro Association is promoting the FBA Fall Circuit
bringing knowledgeable Brazilian judges from Brazil to judge the Filas in the Billy Bob’s
Texas Arena, in Fort Worth, Texas, an indoors arena with 1,200 seats.

This is the greatest Fila event of the world! Over 60 Filas enter in the ring to be
judged. Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. there is the Temperament Test and Sunday at noon the
beautiful Black Filas Parade. Anyone not being able to attend the circuit may ask for
videos to the FBA at 5029 CR 605 Burleson, TX 76028, phone 817- 447 3868.

Clelia Kruel
Via Internet

Party Time

I am an international concerts producer based in Boston. I am putting together a
10-city worldwide tour celebrating Brazil 500 years. A historic event from Boston to Rio
(the fun has just begun). I need to know who is interested in getting involved. There will
be great financial opportunities for every one involved. PCL International is looking for
Brazilian producers with network in Brazil and America to participate.

Patric Lacroix
Allston, Massachusetts

Missing Letter

Very interesting your article on four-letter words. There are some missing entries and
incomplete ones, but it’s very nice anyway. You missed some on Sex (Oral), To Have: ‘falar
no microfone’, ‘mamar no pau.’ I used to hear and say that a lot back in Rio de
Janeiro (about 20 years ago, Leblon, Ipanema, and Gávea area) if

I wanted a girl to suck me. Vem cá, querida, falar no meu microfone…ou também
usava mamar no pau. Also, on Sex (Anal), To Have: ‘tomar na peida’, ‘levar
cagalhão pela contra-mão’, ‘tomar na rosca’, and ‘bater farinha’.

Marcus V. Gay
Via Internet

Northeast Addendum

I think you need to include information on the creation of the Sudene in 1959 and the
struggle of Celso Furtado cut short by the military regime en 1964. I remind you just in
case that Sudene is celebrating in June 8-9 its creation and Furtado’s 80th birthday. Saludos

Carlos Mallorquín
Mexico D.F.

Suit Yourself

I just read your article on Suba. It’s great! Do you mind if I quote some of it? I put
a link to your page at
Keep up the good work.

Vincent Kenis
Crammed Discs Webmaster

Ready to Go

I would like to find out how I can get some maps and vacation plans to visit Brazil
south of Rio, including activities such as: parks, movie houses, amusements, beaches (nude
& regular) and information on singles groups so I may meet other people who are
looking for companions, relationships or just pen-pals.

Dave Quillan
Caledonia, Michigan

TV Tuning

I am a journalism student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For a
class project I am researching Brazilian journalism, specifically television. I would like
to get a contact that could give me any information on news, programming or censorship.
Anything would be helpful. If you could please email me back with some information as soon
as possible that would be great.

Katherine James
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Desperate Search

My name is Inge. I’m a Dutch girl, but I live in Spain, in the Mallorca Balearis
Islands. I’m (for almost two years now) desperately looking for a friend of mine. His name
is Danilo Pinheiro, he is about 45 years old and he lived in Barcelona for 10 years and
had a bar there called "made in brazil." He is a musician, plays the guitar and
sings bossa nova. I know he’s out there and I’d love to get back in touch with him. So if
you can please help me.


A Little Bit More

I want to first thank you for this wonderful magazine. It has been of great help to me
in doing research on Brazil. I have still a few questions and if they could be answered I
would be extremely grateful. What are the health programs the Brazilian government has
currently? How has the different religions (Catholic and Protestant) taken a part in
helping the poor? How has the government? If you could head me in the right direction of
helpful articles or answer me directly, again I would appreciate it greatly.

Jeff Bochsler
Via Internet

Going There

I have long been interested in your country. Finally I have time and $$$ to come your
way. Refuse to be tourist…Seeking a means fit in…Look forward to your publication…Be

Ned Rollo
Garland, Texas

Soap Quiz

I would like to know who are the performers in the soap opera Xica because I
have seen the names at the opening of the show but the only one I know is Taís Araújo,
who plays the part of Xica. I could not find anything in the Internet and maybe you could

Familia Leyva


Sou um curioso da vida do Noel. A letra transcrita de Último Desejo contém um erro. O
"meu lar é o botequim, ao invés de um botequim. Ou seja, eu faço um botequim de
meu lar e não o meu lar de botequim. Sutilezas da nossa língua. Parabéns pela
reportagem, muito bem feita e fiel à vida de Noel.

Flávio Torres

Food for Thinker

Hello, man! Well… Why speak in English with u? Hehe! Já que meu inglês é meio
ruim, vou falar com você em português mesmo… Eu vi algumas coisas sobre o Gabriel, o
Pensador em seu site… Tenho muitas músicas dele em MP3, e gostaria de saber se você
precisaria de algumas… Gosto de divulgar o trabalho do Gabriel, já que no Brasil, ele
somente se tornou famoso após seu terceiro CD, embora 80% das pessoas pensam que este
seja o primeiro.

Pedro de Lara
Brazil, Via Internet

Viva el Fila!

Quiero felisitarlos por el buen camino, de preservar la pureza de la raza fila, que
para mi es un orgulloso patrimonio del Brasil. Soy un criador de pastores alemanes por 40
anos y un ferviente admirador del fila brasileiro y estoy comenzando a realizar uno de mis
suenos, criar filas. Lei completa la obra del Dr. Paulo Santos, y aprovechar un
reconocimiento desde los EEUU a ciudadanos brasileiros quen sin duda alguna son heroes en
la preservacion del fila como son Dr Paulo, el Sr. Giovani Eder F Carvalho (quizas a este
Sr, el Brasil le deve en su totalidad el rescate de la pureza del fila y el haver
presevado las mejores lineas de sangre mas antiguas en pureza del Brasil).

El sr. Giovani a quien tuve el honor de conocer y visitar en su casa en Aparecida, São
Paulo, es el dueno del canil Itapua. Tambien tuve el honor de conocer al juiz del Cafib
Jonas Tadeu Iacovantuono, con quien conperti largas conversaciones aprendiendo bastante de
su saviduria en la materia. y el jaque mate fue el canil Mantiqueira, en Cruzeiro, São
Paulo, cuyo propietario Nelsinho Fernandes, hombre de principios, honesto y profesional en
lo que a los filas se refiere, propietario de Xandoque de Itapua, a mi pobre entender
quizas el mejor padrote actualmente en el Brasil.

De aqui adquiri 5 cadelas y un macho que actualmente se encuentran en Florida, EEUU.
Todos de las lineas de Elo de Itapua, Nagan do Amparo, Ita de Itapua, Colina de Jawa, Leoa
da Voz do Vento, Xara da Boa Sorte, y del mensionado Xandoque de Itapua, creo sinceramente
tener los futuros campiones de los EEUU, donde en una forma irresponsable han destruido al
Fila Brasileiro con cruces totalmete ajenos a lo que es el Fila. Agradeciendoles su
atencion les saluda

P. Eduardo Selva
Florida City, Florida

Can’t you
find Brazzil at your Brazilian consulate?
Don’t ask us why, ask the consulate.

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