metatag Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies - brazzil

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine

Alice Através do Espelho (Alice Through the Looking Glass)—Based on
Lewis Carroll story, the staging uses tricks like a moving ceiling that forces people to
lower the head, so the spectator can feel a little like Alice must have felt. Directed by
Paulo de Moraes with Cia. Armazém de Teatro. Fundição Progresso.

Um Certo Olhar (A Certain Glance)—Poems from Fernando Pessoa and
Federico Lorca trace the itinerary of a man from cradle to old age. Raul Cortez,
accompanied by two musicians does it all: interprets, sings, and tap dances. Directed by
José Possi Neto. Teatro das Artes.

Ventriloquist—An amusing and critical take on modern society and the
difficulty of being original. Internet, futurology, fashion, and drugs are some of the
target of writer and director Gerald Thomas. Movie director Cacá Diegues participates
with his voice in off. Espaço Cultural Sérgio Porto

Os Monólogos da Vagina (The Vagina’s Monologues)—Comedy. Written by
Eve Ensler, directed by Miguel Falabella, with Zezé Polessa, Cláudia Rodrigues, and Vera
Setta. Based in 200 interviews made in 200 different countries by American Ensler, deals
with sexuality and problems with dealing with it from a woman’s perspective.

Henrique IV (Henry IV)—Comedy. From Luigi Pirandello, directed
Antônio Guedes with Cia de Teatro do Pequeno Gesto. Classical text of Italian playwright
mixes fiction and reality.

Bonitinha, Mas Ordinária (Pretty Little Thing and a Slut)—Drama.
Written by Nelson Rodrigues, directed by Moacyr Góes, with Natália Lage, André Valli,
and Leon Góes. Classical text by controversial author revisits the themes of sex,
hypocrisy and guilty so dear to Rodrigues.


Fragmentos Troianos (Trojan Fragments)—A comparison between the old
Greek wars and World War II and the Holocaust. Written and directed by Antunes Filho, with
the young actors of Antunes’s Centro de Pesquisas Teatrais.

O Acidente (The Accident)—Despite the routine a couple ends up
finding new virtues in each other, which makes them go on with their relationship. Written
by Bosco Brasil, directed by Ariela Goldman, with Denise Weinberg and Geraldo de Barros.
Basement of Centro Cultural São Paulo.

O Zelador (The Janitor)—The Harold Pinter story about the
impossibility of communication between two men. Directed by Michel Bercovitch, with Selton
Mello, Marcos Oliveira, and Leonardo Medeiros. Teatro Alfa

Últimas Luas (Last Moons)—While waiting to be taken to a rest home,
a 70-year-old man talks to the ghost of his wife, who died 30 years ago. Written by Furio
Bordon, directed by Jorge Takla, with Antonio Fagundes, Mara Carvalho and Petrônio

Filhos do Brasil (Brazil’s Children)—Comedy. Written by Andréa
Bassitt and Regina Galdino, directed by Regina Galdino, with Andréa Bassitt and Deborah
Serretiello. Show examines Indian children’s games as well as kids’ stories.

A Vaca Metafísica (The Metaphysical Cow)—Comedy. Written by
Marcílio de Moraes, directed by Leonardo Cortez, with Glaucia Libertini, Henrique Pessoa,
Claudia Tordatto and Leonardo Cortez. The presence of a cow in a middle-class home makes
life a little easier for a couple who cares for the animal.

Boca de Ouro (Golden Mouth)—Nelson Rodrigues’s classic tragedy
written in 1959. Title comes from main character who reaffirms his leadership as animal’s
game boss by pulling all his teeth and adopting a golden denture. Directed by legendary
director José Celso Martinez Corrêa, with Marcelo Drummond and Sílvia Prado. Teatro


Just-released American movies:

Waking the Dead (Amor Maior Que a Vida), Tea with Mussolini (Chá com Mussolini),
Any Given Sunday (Um Domingo Qualquer), Hanging Up (Linhas Cruzadas), Best Laid Plans
(Planos Quase Perfeitos), Down to You (Louco por Você), Man on The Moon (O Mundo de
Andy), The Legend of 1900 (A Lenda do Pianista do Mar), Agnes Browne (Agnes Browne: O
Despertar de Uma Vida), Gladiator (Gladiador), Flawless (Ninguém É Perfeito), Anywhere
But Here (Em Qualquer Outro Lugar), Play It to the Bone (Por uma Boa Briga)

Cronicamente Inviável (Chronically Unfeasible)—In a São Paulo
restaurant five characters bare their own souls, clash and reconcile. By Sérgio Bianchi,
with Cecil Thiré, Betty Gofman, Daniel Dantas, Dan Stulbach, Dira Paes, and Umberto

Bossa Nova— Brazil/2000—Based on Sérgio Sant’Anna’s book A
Senhorita Simpson (Miss Simpson), this romantic comedy tells the story of an American
who teaches English in Rio and who falls in love with two of her students. By Bruno
Barreto, with Amy Irving and Antônio Fagundes.

Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum—O Filme (Rá-Tim-Bum Castle, the
Film)—Brazil/1999—Based on a successful educational TV show of same name.
Directed by Cao Hamburger, with Diego Kozievitch, Sérgio Mamberti, Rosi Campos, Marieta
Severo, and Mateus Nachtergaele.

Astérix & Obélix contre César (Asterix e Obelix contra César)—France/Germany/Italy/1999—The
village where Astérix and Obélix live, which is controlled by Rome, rebels against the
payment of taxes. Directed by Claude Zidi, with Christian Clavier, Gérard Depardieu, and
Roberto Benigni.

Hans Staden —Brazil/1999—The adventures of German explorer Hans
Staden, who in 1554 almost became Indian lunch. Narrated in German, spoken in Tupi.
Directed by Luiz Alberto Pereira with Carlos Evelyn. Sound track by Marlui Miranda.

O Viajante (The Traveler)—Brazil/1999—The passage of a salesman
though a little town in Minas Gerais ends up in tragedy. Directed by Paulo Cezar Saraceni,
with Marília Pêra, Leandra Leal, Jairo Mattos, Ricardo Graça Mello, Nelson Dantas, and
Milton Nascimento.


1 – Fogo nas Entranhas, Pedro Almodóvar. Dantes, R$ 18

2 – A Pedra da Luz Volume 1- Nefer, O Silencioso, Christian Jacq. Editora
Bertrand, R$ 38

3 – Bridget Jones no Limite da Razão, Helen Fielding. Record, R$

4 – O Carrossel, Rosamunde Pilcher. Bertrand, R$ 23

5 – Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal, J.K.Rowling Rocco, R$ 22

6 – O Doente Molière, Rubem Fonseca. Cia. Das Letras, R$ 17

7 – A Casa dos Budas Ditosos, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Objetiva, R$ 19

8 – Ofensas Pessoais, Scott Turow. Record, R$ 30

9 – O Testamento, John Grisham. Rocco, R$ 29,50

10 – Fim de Caso, Graham Greene. Record, R$ 15


1 – Mar Sem Fim, Amyr Klink. Companhia das Letras, R$ 18

2 – Brasil: Terra à Vista, Eduardo Bueno. L&PM, R$ 16,90

3 – Não Faça Tempestade em Copo d’Água, Richard Carlson. Rocco, R$

4 – O Ócio Criativo, Domenico De Masi. Sextante, R$ 27

5 – Homens São de Marte, Mulheres São de Vênus, John
Gray. Rocco, R$ 26

6 – Papa de Hitler: A História Secreta de Pio XII, John Cornwell. Imago,
R$ 40

7 – A Viagem do Descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 18

8 – Os Capitães do Brasil, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 24,50

9 – Náufragos, Traficantes e Degredados, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$

10 – Decifrar Pessoas, Jo-Ellian Dimitrius. Alegro, R$ 33,20


1 – A Arte da Felicidade, Dalai Lama. Martins Fontes, R$ 32,50

2 – Enquanto o Amor Não Vem, Iyanla Vanzanti. GMT, R$ 24

3 – Aborrecente Não, Sou Adolescente, Vera Lúcia M. Carvalho. Petit, R$

4 – Um Dia Minha Alma Se Abriu por Inteiro, Iyanla Vanzanti. Sextante, R$

5 – Quando Chega e Hora, Zibia Gasparetto. Vida e Consciência, R$ 22

According to O Globo,

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