metatag LETTERS - brazzil



Organized over the Internet, gringo sambistas from 19

countries invaded the Sambadrome in Rio in celebration
of Brazil’s 500 years. They created
the Unidos do
Mundo escolas de samba. With the gringos parading in the
avenue, the
question became not whether or not
they could samba, but whether or not
they could
actually become Brazilian.
By Brazzil Magazine

Although some of your magazine is often informative and interesting, I find your
obsessive treatment of sexuality vulgar and offensive. Please cancel our subscription.

Jim and Julia McNutt
Boise, Idaho

Updated Monthly

It wasn’t until today that I’ve found out about Brazzil magazine. I found it
fascinating and at this point I’ve read articles under the topic: "The Northeastern
Drought." I would like to know if there is any spot in the electronic site where we
can post our comments and opinions about specific topics. Also, if there is this place,
can we search for opinions based on the topics we are interested in?

I hope that you can write me back soon and I think that I am going to read the magazine
in a regular basis. Now, I have one more question. Is the electronic site constantly
updated? I have looked for some articles that have been published lately in Brazil and I
can only find records from June of 1998.

Alexandre Felipe
Brazil, Via Internet

So low

I got your excellent magazine Brazzil when I went to the Brazilian consulate in
San Francisco. I loved it. I will visit your webpage. I am including a check for a year
subscription. How can you publish at this very low price? I am writing in English because
I am not sure your group has Brazilians. I am Brazilian.

Marina Gutierrez
Kensington, California

One More Year

I just realized that my subscription expired. Here is a check for $3 to keep another
year going with your wonderful magazine. Keep up the good work. I enjoy the articles and
interesting tidbits of information!

Steven Burkhardt
San Rafael, California

Love Letter

I love your magazine. Thanks so much for the recent article on Globo TV, which I do get
via dish network. Also, I love John Miller’s articles.

Jo Curtis
Custer, Wisconsin

Soccer, Please!

I regret to note my subscription was not renewed soon. Your magazine is the best to get
news of Brazil. I am from India, but I love Brazilian music, soccer and Brazilian people.
I once was a runner-up in a Brazilian costume contest in San Francisco, in 1980. How time
flies! Please, publish some news about soccer also in your excellent magazine. I am
sending $10 for the subscription. You deserve more.

Chaparala Kishore
El Cerrito, California

Citing Brazzil

Dear Bruce, I’m in the process of writing an article about Karnak, and I’m writing to
let you know that I’ve found your interview with André Abujamra and Lulu Camargo in Brazzil
magazine informative and I plan to cite it. My article talks about Karnak’s music
along with Beck’s, and explores the idea that the concept of memes can be useful for
understanding music like theirs that is made from so many diverse stylistic references. My
previous article on Brazilian music was about Mestre Ambrósio, and it’s part of the
forthcoming collection that Charles Perrone and Chris Dunn are editing on Brazilian
popular music and globalization.

John Murphy
Music Department
Western Illinois University

Pride and Pleasure

Daniella Thompson, just finished reading your article "Stalking Stokowski." I
commend you. I suspect this article will be highly valued, and your work will be referred
to as time passes. Your dedication to our neighbor’s authentic heritage will likely
encourage the appreciation for material that might otherwise become completely lost and
forgotten. I want to hear those recordings myself.

I am proud for you as I read this, that you are using your careful attention and talent
for such passionate stewardship, so far from your home yet so close to your heart.

Charles Schmalz
San Francisco

Plain Enjoyment

Daniella, I live in Rio, have just read your article "Plain João" and would
like to let you know that I really enjoyed learning so much more about the man whose music
we just love. His last CD, João Voz e Violão, "directed" by Caetano, is
a masterpiece exhibition of the simplicity of what his music is all about. If you have a
mailing list related to João Gilberto or Brazilian music in general, please include me.
Thanks and congratulations.

Rui Wong
Rio, Brazil

More Kudos

Daniella, thank you! Delightful article! Enjoyed every bit of it, including the

Wyatt Underwood
Via Internet

Daniella, gostei muito do artigo! But what a wild-goose chase! I’ve been hearing about
this Holy Grail for 2-3 years but this was the first time I got the whole story.

David Rumpler
Via Internet


Daniella, I have no words to describe how impressed I am with you. Wow. At least I

Gerry Scott-Moore

Portuguese Translation?

Cara Daniella, parabéns e obrigado pela pesquisa em que você se empenhou. O incrível
é que dois dias atrás, estava comentando com um amigo, justamente sobre essas
gravações do Stokowski. Há em algum lugar o mesmo texto em português?

Camilo Cassoli
Via Internet

Promoted to Brazilian

Parabéns mesmo, Daniella. Deveria existir mais brasileiros como você.

Fernando Novaes Duarte
Bandolim – 

Private Eye Award

The industry should give out detective awards for things like this.

Jack O’Neil
Blue Jackel

All About Fun

I am planning on coming to Carnaval in Rio next year and would like to get all the
information that I can before making my plan. If possible would you send me all the
information you have about the Carnaval and any other internet addresses that would be
helpful. Some things I would like to know:

1. Hotels along the parade route

2. Is it true that I will have to pay to watch the parade?

3. A list of nightclubs that would be fun to go to.

4. Do I need to have a person from Brazil with me?

5. I have heard that some of the other cities have Carnaval and they can be a lot of
fun. If this is so, would you tell me about them?

Via Internet

Making the Connection

I have a grandmother who was born and raised in Brazil. She is currently living in
Pennsylvania and is too old to visit her homeland and relatives. I would like to buy her a
subscription to your publication so she can feel somewhat connected to her heritage. I am
hoping that your magazine is not strictly by email, as my grandmother does not have a
computer. Please let me know how I can go about getting copies of Brazzil sent to her

Via Internet


Glad I found you on the Internet. I am looking for more info on the Brazilian
communities in the DC-area and in the rest of the USA, and on a way to communicate with
these groups.

Dr. Garcia
Brazil Services International
Arlington, Virginia 

Looking for Food

I found your website looking for places to buy Brazilian food online. Do you have a
list of the websites where I can find it. The website Querico is out of stock on the
products I want for a long time, and they do not have guaraná Antarctica. Can you
give me suggestions?

Eduardo Lobo
West Bloomfield, Michigan 

Starlet Search

Bonjour, je recherche depuis six ans une adresse pour écrire à Adriane Galisteu.
Aidez moi à réaliser mon rêve, s’il vous plaît. Merci. Je suis un grand fan d’ Ayrton
Senna et d’ Adriane Galisteu.


Action for Kids

Greetings from Chicago! My name is Lee Maher Salzman and I am working with an
organization called Action for Brazil’s Children. It was started by rock legend Jimmy Page
of Led Zeppelin and his wife Jimena. This organization was created to raise awareness of
the plight of Brazilian children to the outside world. Please visit the website at  For more
information you can contact me at the e-mail address
  The last fundraiser included Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Jimmy Page
and the Black Crowes, and The Stereophonics. It was sponsored by Calvin Klein and was a
huge success. We are trying to put something together this year for the USA. Thanking you
in advance for any help.

Lee Maher Salzman
United Kingdom, Via Internet

Confederate News

I would like to know more about Americana, Brazil and how the Confederado colony is
faring. Also, I would like to know how to contact the Chamber of Commerce in Americana.
Any assistance you may provide will be very much appreciated. My thanks and best wishes.

Michael E. Shotwell
Jackson, Mississippi

Friend’s Advice

I have close relatives in Brazil, been there, and your magazine was recommended by a
friend. Would like to keep informed.

Juan Lira
Duvall, Washington

Church Work

Our church is doing a mission lesson on Brazil and I think this magazine will be very

Kim Maness
Magnolia, Arkansas

Race Paper

I’m a student, I need more information about blacks in Brazil. I’m doing a research
paper on blacks in Latin countries. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Rhonda Gills
Saginaw, Michigan

Thank You Note

Muito obrigado por manter nossa sociedade unida e tão bem informada

Muriel Barbosa
Baltimore. Maryland

School Paper

I’m doing a project in school on Brazil and I thought I could get some info from your

Mackenzie Souder
Grand Rapids, Minnesota

Dazzling Sight

I would like to receive the issue that is on your website as of 4/8/00. That woman is
stunning. She is Brazil. Who is she and where did you find such an exquisite face?

Eric Demski
Monomyth Pictures, Inc
New York, New York

CD Prospecting

I just spent the past three months traveling throughout Brazil and I am a huge fan of
band Nativus. Do you think I could find out how to order CDs of Nativus? I already own the
new Skank, O Rappa and Jota Quest. Tudo bem bom!

Melanie Kirby
Holualoa, Hawaii


I’m a Spanish student and I’d like you to send me by e-mail information about Brazil. I
have to do a work about this country, it’s social, political and cultural facts and

Via Internet

The Price Is Right

Sou um brasileiro, engenheiro agrônomo especialista em marketing, e presto serviços
de consultoria a organizações do agronegócio café. Agora em abril, como vocês
certamente sabem, ocorrerá a 12ª Feira e Conferência da SCAA (Specialty Coffee
Association of America), aí em San Francisco, e pretendo estar aí. Já tirei meu
passaporte e estou em processo de obtenção do visto do consulado americano no Rio de
Janeiro. Espero conseguir. Pesquisando na internet encontrei este site de vocês, e desejo
receber maiores informações sobre lugares onde poderia ver algo representativo de
`americano típico tomando café’, tipo coffee-shops, sei lá. É que pretendo obter o
máximo de informações possíveis dentro de um período de quatro dias.

Bem, tem também uma pergunta de meu filho Gabriel Luiz, de 11 anos, que pede
informações sobre preço de disc-man aí em San Francisco. Segundo Gabi, o preço aqui
está em torno de R$120 – R$130, o que equivale hoje a mais ou menos US$ 70. Será que é
vantagem comprar aí?

Ah! o João Pedro, meu filho mais velho, 12 anos, deseja que eu traga também uma
raqueteira. Quanto será que custa um negócio desse aí? Pois é, eu penso em ir aí,
descubro uma oportunidade de perguntar e pergunto. Se der, por favor me respondam, OK ? I
want to meet you in San Francisco.

Pedro Luiz Ozelim
Brazil, Via Internet

Let Down

Tenho lido algumas edições da revista Brazzil e estou um pouco desapontado com
algumas das opiniões de pessoas que vão ao Brasil pela primeira, segunda ou qualquer que
seja a vez. Concepções de racismo, citadas em algumas edições (janeiro 2000; fevereiro
2000) são muito radicais. Talvez, o coração de algumas dessas pessoas que julgam o
Brasil descriminativo, não saiba a diferença entre preto/branco/amarelo, como só nós,
nascidos lá, sabemos.

Me amarrei na resposta de um leitor chamado Renato Levy, edição de dezembro 1999.
Estás de parabéns, meu irmão. Continue com essa mentalidade e talvez um dia poderemos
ser um planeta melhor. Sou brasileiro de coração, apaixonado pela nossa cultura, sem
desfazer as outras, sou branco por fora, preto por dentro, que não vê cores nos seres
humanos de bom coração e humildade nas atitudes.

Magno Lins
Seattle, Washington

Can’t you
find Brazzil at your Brazilian consulate?
Don’t ask us why, ask the consulate.

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