metatag LETTERS - brazzil



In the eyes of its foreign creditors, Brazil’s most important spending concern has to be to repay its massive debt, estimated at $344 billion.
By Brazzil Magazine

Rapidinhas section—I hated seeing photos and reading about women so crudely exploited in what is an otherwise intelligent magazine. I have one request. Could one of your informed music writers do an in-depth article on the very talented and socially-conscious singer-songwriter, Martinho da Vila? I would love to see some of his great songs translated since my Portuguese is very limited. Thank you. M Anderson
San Francisco, California
True Honor

As the World Cup came to a close I was truly impressed with the genuine expression of faith that was displayed by the players. It is refreshing to see that in this time of celebration that honor and thanks were given to Jesus Christ by the team players. My hat is off to you men and may God continue to bless your team with strength and courage. Jose Santos
Via Internet
Can I Help?

I enjoyed reading the article on Brazilian street kids (“The Kid in the Street” – and my heart went out to the children that were mentioned. I was in Brazil last year working with a human rights group. We went to several NGO’s and got a better insight into the life of street children. I am currently working on a master’s in ESL, but when I finish, I plan to go back to Brazil to teach English and work with some of these organizations if they’ll let me.

In the meantime, I would like to send a donation to the organization you mentioned in your article. If you have the address or know how I can send a donation to Padre Haroldo, I would appreciate it if you could e-mail it to me. Even though I am not in Brazil, I strongly believe in helping these innocent children that have to live on the street. I teach elementary school and I believe that children are our future—in every country of the world! Any further information you have about helping the street kids of Brazil would be greatly appreciated. Bettina Stines
Via Internet
How to Save the Kids

I read with great interest the article in June’s edition of Brazzil regarding the street children. I just returned from Brazil a few days ago. I did notice a huge number of children either working or begging in Salvador and Rio. It is really heartbreaking to see these children, who are often only maybe 6 years old, trying to hustle to get some money.

There are so many of them that the tourist can’t possibly give money to all of them. Besides, it seems like the tourist may contribute to the problem by letting the Brazilian government avoid the responsibility for solving Brazil’s disturbing poverty.

Perhaps only massive programs similar to what the US undertook during the 60s and 70s will work for Brazil. President Johnson’s “Great Society” programs did seem to alleviate the bulk of poverty in rural and inner city areas. The programs led to food stamps, welfare and medical care for the poor. These programs have their critics, but a quick trip to Brazil, Mexico or India proves that the programs do have a positive impact. Brian Coffee
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sorrow’s Mirror

In reference to your article on Xavier’s murder (“Hate Crime” – I’d like to say that I am a good friend of Xavier’s family and what André Lacerda wrote shows the real feelings of not only family and friends but also of our community as a whole. Congratulations for the article. Sônia Maria de Carvalho
Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Of Lost and Found

Through your magazine I was made aware of two other publications devoted to Brazil, The Brasilians, published in New York City and Brazilian Pacific Times, published in San Diego. I subscribed to The Brasilians in November, 2001 and received the November issue. After a long hiatus between issues, I made several phone calls, sent several faxes, and finally received the March and April issues, 2002. There have been no subsequent issues.

I subscribed to Brazilian Pacific Times in January or February, 2002, and received the February/March issue. There have been no subsequent issues. I do not know if these newspapers are no longer publishing or simply have severe problems in their circulation departments, but your readers should be forewarned that should they send money to these publications they may be getting very little for their money.

On a more pleasant note, I was recently thumbing through an old New Yorker magazine when I came across a review of a book entitled Bossa Nova. The author is Ruy Castro. The book was published in Portuguese as Chega de Saudade. I ordered the book from Borders Books. Barnes and Nobel said they could not order it. I received the book in a few days and loved it. The book has undoubtedly been reviewed in Brazzil in the past, but I must have missed it. Bossa Nova is an exceptional history of the bossa nova movement and a detailed biography of all of the leading and peripheral participants. The publisher is A Capella Books. Curt Huff
Las Vegas, Nevada
Hard to Get

Thank you for posting your article on the Gerard Colby book Thy Will Be Done about the foreclosure on the Amazon by the Rockefellers (“Is It All True?” – It is just about the only source of information I could find regarding this book. At the end of the article, there is a notice that although this book is out of print it can be obtained through something called the Institute of Awareness.

I am wondering if you included that notice in your article, or if it was added by the author herself. If it was your notice, is it possible that you have any more information about this institute? I have looked for them on the Web, and by telephone directory info, and have not found anything. I have likewise searched high and low to find a copy, used or otherwise, of Mr. Colby’s book, equally unsuccessfully.

If indeed there is a place that you know of where copies of this title might be available could you possibly forward me a little more info on the holder? I am a little hesitant to send a check to some place called the Institute of Awareness that I know nothing about. Thank you for very much, and I would really appreciate any 411 you could forward regarding this matter.

One love, Jonathan Golden
Via Internet
Wrapping Caetano

Hello, Bruce Gilman, I have just read the article “Hearing the Book” you wrote in May, 1999 ( about Caetano Veloso. Although you wrote it more than three years ago, I would like to congratulate you for the impressive “reading” you made of Caetano. Being a fan of Veloso, I would also feel words would be totally pointless if I were to write about him. As you said, “the important thing is what each listener brings to and personally gets from the music”. And, as each listener is idiosyncratically one, the “feeling” we bring to the music and get from it can vary impressively. Yet, you were quite successful to admit it (firstly) and to make all Caetano’s fans feel they are very well accompanied in admiring him.

Watching the DVD Noites do Norte, I am constantly reassured about his sophistication and yet “santamarense” way of seeing the world and its people. In “Gente” I cannot help having a profound reading of the prosaic verse “Gente é pra brilhar, não pra morrer de fome”. Aren’t you too dazzled by the lyrics of “Ela e Eu”, and “Trem das Cores”, and “Talismã” (with Waly Salomão), and “Luz do Sol”? Their individual (SO individual!) and yet UNIVERSAL focus on the incessant human suffering?

I’d better surrender now to this struggle with the words and stop writing. Thank you for having granted us—all Caetano’s fans—this beautiful article of yours. Please, just out of curiosity, have you ever had the chance to meet Caetano personally? Did you get many letters after having published the article back in 1999? Thanks for your patience in reading this. L A, 21
goes to Law School in Recife, Pernambuco
and is a fan of Caetano Veloso
Lit My Fire

Ms. Wong’s piece on the bossa nova (“Bossa Nova, My Love” – is on and I’m a follower. Thom O’ Connor
New York, New York
High Rollers?

I am a music journalist for various publications in South Florida and Puerto Rico. Currently, I am working on a piece for an alternative weekly called Miami New Times on Brazilian pop sensation Sandy & Junior. I was wondering whether you would have someone there familiar with their work that I could interview briefly and get an opinion on the duo and their chances of making it in the US. If not, maybe a music critic in Brazil? Juan Carlos Perez
Miami Beach, Florida
Yes, Virginia

I was wondering if it’s true the story about giant spiders, approximately three feet tall. Is there such spiders in the Amazon? And where do they live and how do they live with other animals and people? Have you seen them? Send some pictures of them. Thanks! Neomi Silva
Indecent Proposal

Mr. Ricardo Amaral, I have just read your May 2002 opinion in Brazzil on the need of Brazil to have the bomb (“We Need the Bomb – It is a shame that a person with your credentials comes forward to propose such a preposterous change of policy of the Brazilian government for the sake of sovereignty.

We do not need the Bomb at all. If we ever decide to embark on such a misadventure we will bring about a race to the continent in which there will be no winner. Our country and continent still have many problems and issues that should and must be addressed before any contemplation of a nuclear Brazil.

The development of a nuclear weapons program would be very expensive and to keep up with it all the more so. There would no doubt be a drainage of so-difficult-to-acquire resources to areas of higher priorities.

Besides, it is common wisdom that our managers have not had the required competence and ability to deal with what they really should be expected to, let alone manage a nuclear arsenal. The weapons could end up in the hands of traffickers for instance… how about that?

Do you know why the Soviet Union crumbled? Because it could not keep up with the US as far as money is concerned. And it took a lot of courage for Mikhail Gorbachev to realize that and give the Soviet People the choice of continuing to develop more weapons of mass destruction or go on watching the standard of the Soviet People worsening and the possibility of they going hungry because their agriculture needed improvement, but the money literally went up in smoke with the financing of the booster rockets to deliver the nuclear warheads.

The very competition between the US and the former USSR showed that they had to find a common ground in order to eliminate the MAD (mutually assured destruction) concept. They have developed a kind of communication that was very useful during times of crisis and thank God they did not go over the brink.

I cannot contemplate that kind of relation among other would-be nuclear powers, especially if someone gets trigger-happy because of some nationalistic pride or HURT sovereignty. Remember Argentina when it tried to recover pride when it embarked on the ill-fated Falklands campaign, just to name one.

For example, India and Pakistan. It has been necessary the intervention of the master powers (i.e. the US and Russia) to avoid someone pushing the button in that poor area of the world. Would we trust Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, if they had gone nuclear or vice-versa? Of course not. It would be a mad race towards literally nothing at the end.

In my opinion, the genie had better stay inside the bottle in this region, and let the ocean take it so far away one can never find. We do not have enemies and do not want any (this does not apply when soccer is involved). Latin America must remain a nuclear-free zone.

We do need to develop all OUR other capabilities in order to be respected worldwide. We must feed our people, educate our people. It has always been said that Brazil is a rich country… But wealth is not his who has it but his who enjoys it, as Benjamin Franklin once said.

So, let us create the means so that every Brazilian can enjoy and taste a slice/piece of the cake. As for the change of policy on the part of the US administration, we should not overreact, because soon this administration will be replaced and so will the policies and the US will come to its senses. We must also understand that the US is going through a tough period because of the 09/11 attacks.

A threshold has been reached, and lot of good will arise from that. The roots of some of the problems will be cut off, but it takes some time. Let us not be too passional and not react in such a way we could regret forever…or even may not have the chance to regret.

Brazil must remain the way it has always been, a peaceful country. And that is the best example we can set to the world. Let our battlefields remain within the four lines of a soccer field and as regards to that, we are winners…. and nobody hates us because of that (Argentina excepted).

We are a sovereign country and let us keep our sovereignty that way. Your opinion was very unfortunate. Marcílio Jorge Breckenfeld Lopes Afonso
Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil
Bomb Means Trouble

Dear Mr. Ricardo C. Amaral, I am quite concerned about your statement regarding the nuclear bomb. You see, I was once an international student and I managed to discuss this matter with a friend from Pakistan. At that time both of us were studying at the Institute of Administrative Management in Malaysia. Even though the institution is based in London both of us had a good discussion regarding world issues at large.

In his opinion, the nuclear war has never being invented by any parties and in fact most Pakistanis hate war. Unfortunately, the nuclear program sparked new rivalries between India and Pakistan. According to my friend, the nuclear war is meant to be a protection for the Pakistani people if it is being attacked by outside forces and has no connection with the Al-Qaeda whatsoever.

In Malaysia, our Prime Minister is more concerned about economic development and racial harmony and I simply think that we don’t need nuclear weapons here because it will only create more trouble among the three major races: Malay, Chinese and the Indians.

It was a great honor to have the Brazilian football team playing here in our country before the World Cup last month. Brazil will have a chance to go far and I simply hope that both countries, Brazil and Malaysia, will come up together in several programs to combat poverty and discrimination. One good example is a football program that’s used to curb poverty in Brazil. It is the best program and as a university student here in Malaysia, I hope I had a chance to experience this sort of program. Lina
Via Internet
Free Beauty

Dear friends, I am Iranian and from Marand. I would like to get more information about your beautiful country. It will be kind of you, if you send me a free copy of your magazine, please. Thank you in advance. H.Djahanbakhsh
Via Internet
Thank You, Brazil

I went to Brazil a few months ago to a convention, while on an internship. It is such a fabulous country, and a great time was had by all! We all bought so very many unusual and treasured gifts. All the craftspeople always took the time to explain each item. I will be back someday when I’m older. Thanks so much! Charhys Bailey
Seattle, Washington
The Real Scoop

I would like you to find someone that has sufficient information about the actual narcotraffic and narcoterrorism situation in Brazil. As a common person I do not have access nor specific data about this subject. But we all know that here in Brazil the power of narcoforces has increased amazingly in the last year.

I suppose that Brazil hasn’t anymore the more or less borderline importance in the narcotraffic it had only a little time ago. Here we speak about the “Colombialization” of our country.

Our Minister of Justice and the head of our Federal Police had to step back and resign their positions, last week. It happened when our own President, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, kind of tied their hands by not permitting (for reasons not well explained) even the voting of a request, made by the Human Rights Committee, for federal intervention in the state of Espírito Santo.

There, all three powers (legislative, executive and justice)—including the governor—are connected to narcotraffic, homicides and crimes derived from it.

In Rio de Janeiro, during day time, the Prefeitura (City Hall), had all windows shot by narcotrafficants with a machine gun. A reporter from Globo TV, our largest television network, was killed (burned alive) by narcotrafficants because he was investigating the scene for a reportage. There are just dozens of daily examples of narcotrafficant-related power demonstrations in recent months.

What is noticeable is the absolute unconcern of an attempt to hide the crimes anymore under apparent “accidents”. The narcotraffic has established an ostensive parallel power to the officially governing one in Brazil. This has never happened before in such an obvious dimension. We believe that this is related to the USA fighting of Colombian narcotraffic to the USA, in addition to the reduction of Afghanistan’s narcoproduction/traffic also because of the USA.

Do you have connections to find someone that has the knowledge to make a deeper analysis of Brazil and narcopower (in politics) and draw the actual routes of our narcotraffic? It seems that a lot is changing around here. What any Brazilian can tell is that our drug-scene is increasing dramatically. The obvious power of drug bosses is no secret, the main consumer age is younger, and there are probably new main routes to Europe and USA, besides Rio, São Paulo, Recife, and Santa Catarina. We are scared of what the future reserves. Angel
Brazil, Via Internet
Assignment Helper

I would just like to thank you for helping me with my essay on “Is inequality unavoidable in Brazil?” Your Web site has helped a gr8 deal with every part of my essay. Thanx again Littlestefy, age 13
Via Internet
God’s Sugar

The first thing you must do is come to Brazil. You’ll soon see it’s not a place you can just visit once. Brazil takes you to a place in your heart, and outstretches its arms to welcome you to a way of life. It’s a zest for living that goes unrivaled in the world in which we choose to live.

Brazil teaches you the significance of passion, leaves you breathless, and instills in you a fire. The kind of fire that can’t be extinguished with hurricane-type winds or a Tsunami like sea. I’m not Brazilian, but I’ve had the good fortune to experience Brazilians. It’s a once in a lifetime thing, that you’ll want to relive everyday.

The second thing you must do is encounter a Brasileira, they’ll let you in on, arguably, the best secret in life. Whether they know it or not, they are the reason Cristo gave us sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. Brasileiras are the sweetest joy and a pure delight.

The third thing to have is, a love of the language, with its distinct pronunciation and prolonging of vowels that leave you wanting a cigarette at the end of every word. I’m somewhat of a newcomer to Portuguese, but one doesn’t need to “taste the flavor in order to smell the scent,” (Meaning I don’t need to speak the words to love the sounds).

Americans need quantity to find quality, but Brazilians seem to find quality in any quantity. I’m not a naïve Americano, I’ve been to Brazil before and not as a “tourist.” For two years I’ve studied the culture every chance I’ve had. I know of the realities. Call me an optimist if you must, but I still choose to embrace it. Adam Lee
Sport Embrace

It is nice to see the boys of different continents hugging each other on the fields after each match. Boys do love to hug a lot! It is amazing how football manage to curb war and instead let love and peace to flourish on the field. I am glad that these matches have been broadcast throughout the world. I hope Ariel Sharon and Bush will watch this match and stop their wars against the poor Palestinians and those who are unarmed and truly sick under poverty. Long live football art! Lina
Via Internet
House Hunting

I realize that you are all busy people, but I have a charitable request to put to you, in the hope that somebody may help me out, as I am at present somewhat lost.

Basically, I am searching for property in Brazil, namely in the state of Minas Gerais. What I would like most of all is some resources I can check out online, preferably property selling organizations, particularly those that show pictorial details of the properties they are selling.

Just to give you a little background on my request…Formerly I was a doctor and my specialized area was cancer. I retired at the age of 32, after my partner died, but have since taken up a post with the British Government, mainly in an advisory on infectious diseases (level four). My work is taking me to Brazil early next year and although the Government have offered to pay for my board and keep as it were, I would much rather buy my own property for the duration of time I may be there (which is looking to be around two to three years).

Unfortunately, although I am pretty much conversant with the Internet, I can find nothing really suitable for my needs amongst the sites I have found and really do need some help, just by pointing me in the right direction.

Your site was one I came across when I searched for general information on Brazil, but I have found nothing which deals exclusively in real estate. If at all possible, I would very, very much appreciate it if somebody could suggest a few sites that I might check out for such information. Presently there is no absolute rush, as my posting does not start until late January 2003, but if I can I would like to acquire a property now, which I can then go on to adapt to my needs before my official arrival in Brazil next year.

I am afraid my Portuguese is not up to much, but I do have the services of a translator at my disposal and she will help me in matters relating to the acquisition of the property, so sites which may be in another language are equally as acceptable to me.

As I mentioned previously, there is no real rush for this and anybody that could spare me a few minutes on this would be a friend for life!

Yours hopefully, Dr. Ade Rowley
Medical Search

I’m looking for affordable plastic surgery in Brazil. I have heard of Dr. Ivo Pitanguy, but I am looking for a more affordable doctor. I have heard about Dr. Luiz Toledo in São Paulo and Dr. Luiz Lamana in Belo Horizonte. Has anyone ever had surgery performed by those doctors? Jennifer Nowak

My husband and I are planning on coming to Brazil in January to hopefully find work teaching English. What time of the year do you expect there to be more opportunities for teachers, or does the time of year really matter? We are very excited for this opportunity. Any help on where to look, timing, advice I can get would be much appreciated! Robin M Glaeser
Ready for Starring

I am a Brazilian singer of bossa nova and samba-jazz style. Perhaps you could introduce me on concerts, festivals and other places. Recently I made a production to a Holland broadcast of Brazilian music subjects: Tom Jobim, bossa nova and samba, singing with musicians from Brazil and Holland, here in Rio.

I also was invited by Don Burrow, a famous musician from Australia to sing with him at his show here in Rio. He plays sax/flute and is very well known in the international jazz scene.

In the May/June, 2002, edition of the German magazine “do Brasil” there is a special article about Thaís Fraga. The publication deals with Brazilian music subjects. I’d also like if you could visit my website at

P.S: 1- I’d like to have your postal address to send my demo CD.

2- You can see below some advertising to the foreign audiences that often watch my performance in international meetings or in my open schedule, in Rio de Janeiro. It’s in a German tourist guide published in Rio.

“One of the best insider-tips to enjoy a typical Carioca-Night is to spend it with Thaís Fraga and her trio. Her impressive smoky voice, together with three musicians of best bossa nova style and samba-jazz, present the beloved melodies of famous Brazilian composers such as: Tom Jobim, Carlos Lyra, Marcos Valle, Baden Powell, João Donato, Menescal, Eumir Deodato, Durval Ferreira and others of the vast bossa nova scene. Thaís Fraga is a great interpreter with a swinging voice and an enormous vocal and rhythmic versatility. That’s the opinion of the critics. So, come and join us to taste some of the real carioca spirit. You’ll love it!” Thaís Fraga
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Pioneer

Prezada Marta Alvim, parabéns pelo seu ótimo artigo lido com grande prazer por mim (“Turning the Tide” – Gostaria de saber se você pode me fornecer alguma indicação sobre Eugênia Brandão, a primeira repórter brasileira. Há alguma biografia ou livro dela nos quais posso saber mais sobre ela e os primórdios do jornalismo feminino no Brasil? Agradecendo antecipadamente, Luiza Whitaker
Via Internet
Thanks for the Metaphors

O conto de Joyce Cavalccante, “Claro Ato de Lidar com o Inesperado”, é excelente. Gostaria de parabenizar a revista pela escolha e, principalmente, à Joyce, não somente pelas belas metáforas usadas, tais como “coração se arcoirizava”, “rio toldado”, “empalhar seu tempo”, “iam se desasnando”, como também pelo seu cuidado narrativo que nos permite compartilhar a sua história, e com esta, fluir no prazer da imaginação. Rosane Villela
Via Internet
Spreading the News

Somos o primeiro núcleo de alunos brasileiros em Dallas e gostaríamos de saber qual a possibilidade de enviarmos uma pequena matéria divulgando nosso grupo na revista Brazzil. Nosso grupo foi formado no mês de abril e está sendo um elo entre alunos e a comunidade brasileira aqui na cidade de Dallas, Texas, e metroplex. Alessandra Dicara
Dallas, Texas
Brazilian Association at Richland


Brasil, país do futebol,

só pensa nisso, às vezes naquilo,

com pernas tortas, com pele negra,

com um dentuço suburbano carioca,

com um humilde pernambucano,

mandou para Valhala onde é seu lugar

o super nibelungo wagneriano,

alemão nunca aprende, tem que ser o uber alles

o Siegfried goleiro,um puta-fritz virou coquinho,

odeio tudo que Deutchland representa,

amo esse gigante bonachão bicolor,

meu Brasil brasileiro varonil

céu de anil,moleque cancioneiro,

lindo triste alegre sensual

Brasil é minha libertação

a alma do seu povo está acima do bem, do mal,

nas minhas rezas não religiosas

em minha particular liturgia de paixão

substituí para sempre o AMÉM

pelo grito GOL, Brasil! Iosif Landau
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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