Brazil is going to host the 2nd World Coffee Conference, on September 24 and 25, in Salvador, capital of the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia.
According to the Minister of Agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, the meeting is going to create guidelines for foreign trade of the product.
“We are going to define a world policy for coffee, establishing rules for production and consumption that make it possible for prices to stabilize,” he said.
Rodrigues is going to head the conference, to include representatives from 74 countries that are coffee importers and exporters.
The meeting is promoted by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Coffee farmers face the problem of price depreciation. In the last two decades, there was a 50% to 86% drop in international coffee prices.
The theme of the conference will be “Lessons that follow the crisis: new routes for the coffee sector”.
Among the participants of the event are international authorities like the executive director of the ICO, Nestor Osório, and the president of the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC), Ernesto Illy.
Translated by Mark Ament
Agência Brasil