metatag April 1993 - brazzil

April 1993


Cover: On the new orthography front (p. 7)

Carnaval: The best sambas-enredo (p. 13)

How do you spell new car in Brazil? B-u-g (p. 16)

President, Prime Minister or a King. A referendum (p. 17)

Book review: O Retrato do Rei (The King’s Portrait) (p. 18)

Indians: Et tu, Caiapó? (p. 19)

Crime & punishment: The death dilemma (p. 21)

Football who? Will the US ever love soccer? (p. 22)

Our L.A. Marathon – Brazil number 1 and 2 (p. 22)

Comics: from risky to risqué (p. 23)

Music: Castro-Carioca-Neves (p. 27)

Music: Supla’s time (p. 28)

Travel: A country named Bahia (p. 31)

Tourism: Brasília = modern (p. 32)


Rapidinhas (p. 6)

Letters (p. 12)

The Cultural Pulse (p. 34)

Por aí (p. 35)

Los Angeles Calendar (p. 38)

San Francisco Calendar (p. 39)

That’s Brazilian(p. 40)

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