metatag February 1993 - brazzil

February 1993


Cover: Rio: under siege (p. 7)

First person: Amo esse caos (p. 9)

Short story: Chico Anísio (p. 13)

Dividing Brazil – New states to come (p. 14)

President Itamar & the poor (p. 15)

Argentina e México dão o exemplo (p. 16)

Coach Parreira will get the Cup (p. 19)

Profile: Maria Samba & Saudade (p. 21)

Books: Paulo Coelho’s turn in the U.S. (p. 24)

Racism: Brazil’s hiding its negritude (p. 24)

Book review: Rota 66, A Bloody Route 66 (p. 25)

Music: Gal does Axé (p. 27)


Rapidinhas (p. 6)

Letters (p. 12)

The Cultural Pulse (p. 34)

Por aí (p. 35)

Los Angeles Calendar (p. 38)

San Francisco Calendar (p. 39)

That’s Brazilian (p. 40)

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