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Let’s Just Invade Brazil!

 Let's Just Invade Brazil!

A military invasion
to liberate Brazil and the entire region would
do so much good. Here is a land of tin-pot dictators and ruling
juntas that go back decades, even centuries. True, some of the
dictators and would-be dictators rule under the veneer of democracy,
but the same families remain in control election after election.
by: Llewellyn
H. Rockwell, Jr.


The war boosters say things about Iraq and the Arab world that are undeniably
true. But, you know, there are other regions that are deeply troubled and
in need of wholesale reconstruction by the United States. Peggy Noonan says
we shouldn’t stop with Iraq; we should "reorder the world."

OK. In particular, Latin
America needs addressing. Brazil has already admitted that it is engaged in
a broad range of nuclear research. The government says it does not plan to
actually make them, but we’ve heard that one before.

Are we going to sit idly
by as Brazil continues to research and eventually manufacture nukes, exporting
them to their friends in Cuba, or are we going to act preemptively to arrest
this threat? A recent string of leftist electoral victories demonstrate that
this whole continent is a hotbed of anti-Americanism.

A military invasion to
liberate Brazil and the entire region would do so much good. Here is a land
of tin-pot dictators and ruling juntas that go back decades, even centuries.
True, some of the dictators and would-be dictators rule under the veneer of
democracy, but the same families remain in control election after election.

Corruption is ubiquitous
and their constitutions are a joke. Opposition leaders are routinely rubbed
out. Torture and police killings are routine. When people try to flee with
their money, governments rob them of their savings. The use of tear gas by
the police, a form of chemical warfare, is common. These governments rule
by violence and fear. Some of these dictators have shot their own people!

Critics claim this region
can’t support truly democratic regimes. What an insult! American-style freedom
is for all people everywhere. We only need to force it on them. Until now,
we’ve only acted intermittently, ousting Noriega or what have you. We’ve given
these governments time. That time is running out.

This region is the main
source of the drugs that are wrecking the lives of our children. These drugs
are a weapon of mass destruction, and there is no need for inspectors to verify
it. We know from massive aerial reconnaissance. We have the proof, and we
will present it to the world.

To what extent are the
governments themselves in the pay of drug lords? There can be no question
that the elites live in palaces while the masses live in huts. What’s more,
racism abounds in these countries.

The ruling groups are
well educated and light skinned, and they exploit the dark-skinned masses
who are given no control over their fate. Let us draw on our own history to
bring Latin America the blessings of true equality.

Some Mexican groups in
the US have openly declared their goal of annexing Texas and the entire Southwest
to their empire. They operate as a fifth column in this country, refusing
to speak our language even as they use our social services. In short, they
hate us. How long before they hijack our planes and crash our buildings? Did
we learn nothing from 9/11?

And look at their religion.
It is an amalgam of the cult of human sacrifice combined with medieval superstition
run from the top by a pacifist who has openly declared his opposition to the

In a dangerous world,
if you are not with us, you are against us. And we will act. We will not wait.
We must send the message: if you worship terrorists and their backers, you
will be considered a terrorist yourself.

Some say a military invasion
will lead to regional instability. But the region is already unstable. Latin
American governments are part of that instability. Their removal opens up
the possibility of stability.

Some say that Latin America
hates the US for good reason. These carpers always blame America. In fact,
Latin Americans hate us for our virtues, our freedom, our wealth, our goodness.

The toiling masses of
the entire region deserve nothing less than liberation, so that they too can
share in our goodness, freedom, and wealth.

Pay no heed to the isolationists
and their counsels of despair. Instead, look to the Monroe doctrine, which
clearly enunciates our right to control the entire hemisphere. Brazil, Mexico,
and all Latin America need a regime change. A victory will show the world
that the sovereign US does not exist to play the victim.

Or here’s another idea:
we could just have friendship and peace and trade.

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. is president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute
in Auburn, Alabama, and editor of Your comments are welcome

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