Banned in the US and EU, Asbestos and Agrotoxics Are Welcomed in Brazil

Danger sign for asbestosIn recent years, Brazil has become the main destination for agrotoxic products banned in Europe, United States and most South American countries with strong farm sectors. Brazilian farmers make unrestricted use of ten to twelve chemicals which are specifically banned in the European Union, US and most of South America, claims daily O Estado de S. Paulo.

The information published on the Sunday edition was compiled from the National Agency for Sanitary Monitoring, United Nations and the Brazilian Development, Industry and Commerce ministry.

The newspaper claims that in spite of current legislation the “government is dragging its feet” and does not reassess the products to restrict their use or take them out of the market.

Some of the agrotoxic substances mentioned is “endossulfam”, closely associated with endocrinology problems in humans.

Data from the Commerce Department show that Brazil imported 1.820 tons of the product in 2008 and another 2.370 last year.

“We are consuming toxic products that other nations are rejecting,” claims Rosany Bochner coordinator of Brazil’s National System of Toxic-Pharmacology information belonging to the Oswaldo Cruz foundation.

A similar case is “metamidophos” banned in China, European Union, India and most of South America.

Researcher Frioruz Marcelo Firpo said that the situation “is not uncommon” to Brazil.

“We are facing a similar problem as that with asbestos. With the reduction of the world market as the ban extends, pressure increases for sales to Brazil”, he argued.

Firpo said that Brazil is “paying dearly” for the lack of a proper control of these agrotoxic products extensively used in agriculture. The “invisible price” is the increase in health costs, he emphasized.



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