metatag Brazil's Vehicle Production Falls 3.7% While Coffee Exports Rise 17% - brazzil

Brazil’s Vehicle Production Falls 3.7% While Coffee Exports Rise 17%

Cars at Volkswagen's lot Compared with December of last year, Brazil’s vehicle production dropped by 3.7% in January. A total of 243,425 units were produced, as against 252,759 in December. In comparison with January of last year, there was growth of 31.6%.

Exports decreased by 17% in comparison with December, with 44,828 units sold, as against 54,031 in December. In January 2009, the output was 21,820. In comparison with January of last year, when the financial crisis had already taken hold in several countries, there was growth of 105.4%.

Domestic sales fell by 27.2% in January. A total of 213,312 units were sold as against 293,026 in December. In comparison with January 2009, when sales totaled 197,454 vehicles, there was growth of 8%.

The data were culled from the monthly results of the National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea).

Coffee Exports Up

Exports of coffee by Brazil generated US$ 377 million in revenues in January, representing growth of 16.7% compared with the same month of last year. A total of 2,436,041 bags were shipped, representing growth of 4.9%. The data were disclosed February 5 by the Brazilian Coffee Exporter Council (Cecafé).

According to the organization, the main markets in January were Germany (521,083 bags), the United States (384,492 bags) and Italy (254,794 bags). The three countries are traditionally the leading importers.

The Cecafé informed that Russia was a highlight in January, having imported 81,000 bags, as against 12,000 in the same month of 2009. As a result, the country rose from the 23rd to the 6th position in the list of main buyers.

Over the last 12-month period, Brazil exported over 30 million bags, which generated revenues of US$ 4.3 billion. The Arabica coffee variety accounted for 89% of sales, the soluble type accounted for 9%, and Robusta for 2%.


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