metatag For Brazil, Amazon is for All to Use and to Help - brazzil

For Brazil, Amazon is for All to Use and to Help

Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, emphasized the importance of cooperation between all countries, at the inauguration, January 11, of the headquarters of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA), in BrasÀ­lia.

The OTCA counts as members Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela. According to the Minister, who represented President Lula at the event, the participation of other nations could make a contribution.

“The theme of cooperation in the Amazon is fundamental for us, and this cooperation for us doesn’t exclude the participation of other  countries, including France.

“In the Brazilian state of Amapá, the problems will only be resolved with French help. The “carambola” fly, which afflicts 30 fruit species in the region, is apparently more present in French Guiana than in Amapá,” he said.

Amorim affirmed that, besides the inauguration of its headquarters, the OTCA will be benefited by better working conditions and new projects.

“All of us know how important our cooperation is in the spheres of the environment and science and technology, but there are other challenges facing us in the Amazon in the areas of health and sustainable development,” he remarked.

Translation: David Silberstein
Agência Brasil


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