metatag Brazil Opens Center for Brazilian Products in US - brazzil

Brazil Opens Center for Brazilian Products in US

Brazil’s Export Promotion Agency (Apex) played an important role in the growth of Brazil’s exports in 2004. The business missions they sponsored, together with President Lula’s international trips and the agency’s participation in over 500 events, contributed to a 30% growth in Brazil’s exports.

According to the president of the agency, Juan Quirós, last year’s events alone resulted in contracts worth US$ 12 billion.

Quirós annouces that one of the projects on the agenda for 2005 is the creation of Apex-Investments, a unit that is expected to attract US$ 20 billion in foreign investments this year.

Another innovation is the establishment of the so-called Distribution Centers for Brazilian products abroad. Last week Quirós signed a contract in Miami for the construction, beginning this month, of an Apex office in the United States

The centers will begin to operate in March, in conjunction with 40 companies from eight Brazilian industrial segements.

In May another center will be inaugurated in Frankfurt, Germany, where a center will be set up to distribute Brazilian products in Europe.

The Apex ended the year of 2004 with a balance of over 500 events held in 270 cities in 54 countries. The agency forwarded 200 projects submitted by export companies from 27 Brazilian states.

The agency ended the year with a total of 12.5 thousand collaborating companies. “Next year we shall hold 550 events in 60 countries, and we want to do business with over 15 thousand firms, making US$ 20 billion from these events,” Quirós declared.

Translation: David Silberstein
Agência Brasil


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