metatag Trying to Make the Capital of Brazil a Player in Fashion Overseas - brazzil

Trying to Make the Capital of Brazil a Player in Fashion Overseas

Brazil's Summershop The fashion industry of Brazilian capital, BrasÀ­lia, has just established the Association of Fashion Exporters of the Federal District (AMODF).  The organization includes 31 companies that make garments, accessories, appliqués and handicraft.

As most of the companies already export, the objective is to develop an efficient action strategy to win new clients. "We have brought together several brands and by association we plan to win more clients on the foreign market," stated Fernando Japiassu, president of the AMODF.

According to him, the main actions of the group will be agreed on next week and should include the definition of participation in fairs in Europe, the United States and Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

"We are going to analyze what events may be interesting to our associates. We are also going to seek support of organizations like the Apex (the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency) to aid in the search for opportunities," he said.

Nowadays the main importer markets for companies that are associates of the AMODF are Spain, Portugal, France and the United States.

"We have an enormous and creative potential here. Up to now Brasí­lia is known as a consumer city with great buying power and that, in recent years, has also grown to become a reference in production of fashion, with several brands that are successful in several Brazilian states and also abroad," he pointed out.

And going beyond the frontiers of Brazil is following the steps of businessman Japiassu himself, who owns beach brand Summershop, which currently exports to Chile, Portugal, South Africa and the United States. The company has been on the Brasí­lia market for 21 years, where it has six shops that generate over 100 direct jobs and 200 indirect ones.

Apart from that, there are 21 offices for representation in Brazil and another 200 points of sale. In Brazil the cash cow is male swimming trunks. On the foreign market, in turn, the great bet is on female sports clothes.

The businessman recalls that in the beginning the shop sold several brands. Ten years ago he established his own brand. To start exporting, the businessman sought consultancy at the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and at other institutions. He adds that training is the basis for it all and that it is necessary to eye market tendencies. "Companies need to be prepared to sell abroad. Internationalization is already a tendency," he added.

To the chairman at the AMODF, export is not something as complex as many businessmen believe. "The problem is that the export culture is still lacking as is comprehension that, the more distribution channels the company has, the better," he pointed out.

"That is not to mention the fact that if a company gets training for the foreign market, it is also being prepared to become a better player on the domestic market," he guarantees.

Japiassu defends the importance of adapting products considering market research. Brazilian bikinis, for example, are already famous abroad as companies are concerned about making them to the taste of foreign clientele. Now it is necessary to move to make other products renowned, many others," he says.


Telephones: (+55 61) 3349-5354 and (+55 61) 8119-6147



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