Payrolls and Trade Surplus Are Up in Brazil

After falling for two consecutive months, industrial sector payrolls rose in September 0.3%, compared to August. Compared to September 2003, the increase was 10.2%.

And so far this year there is a cumulative increase of 9.2%, reports the government statistical bureau (IBGE).

“The increase shows that salaries are rising because of a more dynamic production situation and the fact that prices have been stable during the year,” says an explanatory note from the IBGE.

The survey also found that the number of hours paid for industrial sector workers was up 1.3%, compared to August, and up 3.4%, compared to September 2003.


The Brazilian trade balance has registered a surplus of US$ 29.559 billion in the year up to the third week of November.

The result is 89.57% of the financial market’s forecasts for this year, which has been maintained at US$ 33 billion, according to the weekly study by the Central Bank.

Between January and November 21, exports have reached US$ 84.583 billion, with a daily average growth of 32.8% when compared to the period from January to November 2003.

Imports totalled US$ 55.024 billion, an increase of 29.8% in the same comparison.

In the third week of November, Brazil sold US$ 209 million more than the country purchased, with exports of US$ 1.669 billion and imports of US$ 1.460 billion.

The daily average in November, in comparison to the same month last year, grew 40.5% in exports and 45.2% in imports. There was a 5% drop in exports when compared to the October 2004, 5% in the daily average, and 6.1% in imports.

Every year, at this time, purchases rise due to Christmas. This year they should grow even more due to the improvement of the Brazilian economy and of the dollar which is dropping against the Brazilian real.

Agência Brasil


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