Brazil Gives Itself a Glowing Review on Conservation

Brazil will present a report on its activities in the area of environmental preservation at the 3rd World Conservation Congress of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

The meeting will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, for the purpose of drawing up a global balance sheet on environmental conservation.

According to the secretary of Biodiversity and Forests of the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA – Ministério do Meio Ambiente), João Paulo Capobianco, Brazil’s participation in the encounter will include a series of significant steps.

“President Lula has already established 2.8 million hectares in units of conservation, integral protection, and sustainable use. Compared with previous Administrations, Lula’s was the one that created the most conservation units in its first two years,” he informs.

The secretary mentioned other advances in the environmental area, such as the publication of the Biomes Map, produced by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in conjunction with the MMA.

Add to this the decree recognizing 900 priority areas for the conservation of biodiversity; the evaluation of all of Brazil’s biomes, which will make it possible to plan new actions for the conservation of Brazil’s biodiversity; and the Coral Reef Atlas in conservation units.

Capobianco added that the creation of new areas of preservation in the Amazon is envisioned for the coming years.

“The outlook is for at least 15-16 million hectares to be protected in the Amazon in the next two years,” he said.

The Brazilian report on environmental conservation will be presented on November 20.

Agência Brasil
Translator: David Silberstein


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