Transpetro Closes US$ 1.3 Million Software Deal

US company Energy Solutions International, a supplier of oil and gas pipeline management software, today announced that Brazil’s Transpetro has selected the company to supply and configure Transpetro’s pipeline management systems as Brazil prepares to expand its pipeline transportation network.

The US$ 1.3 million deal calls for Energy Solutions to partner with Transpetro, the Brazilian government-owned pipeline operator, documenting all its commercial and operational procedures, and implement Energy Solutions’ advanced PipelineManager and PipelineTransporter applications.

The systems, which will be fully integrated, will be configured for the southeast and northeast Transpetro natural gas networks. The project is expected to take one year to complete.

“We have selected Energy Solutions to implement this important project because of its extensive experience working with other units from Petrobras, as well as the functionality and capabilities of its applications,” says Transpetro Natural Gas Pipeline Operation Manager, Silvio Moura Franco.

According to Transpetro Project Manager Alexandre Tepedino, “The real power of Energy Solutions’ applications is their flexibility to be integrated among themselves and with third-party systems. The level of integration goes beyond exchanging information by becoming a truly unified solution.”

“Our commercial and technical team at Energy Solutions is very eager to work with Transpetro on integrating the entire supply chain, from shippers like Petrobras to other transportation companies like TBG in the same market,” says Rene Varon, Energy Solutions vice president of sales.

“Now all these companies will be running their business using the same technology, which will allow them to exchange information more efficiently and accurately.”

PipelineManager is a pipeline simulation platform that provides the environment to implement advanced pipeline applications related to optimization, system operations, facility planning and training.

PipelineTransporter is used for pipeline scheduling and accounting. It organizes and consolidates information crucial to support daily commercial and operational decisions.

Containing all the functional steps for collecting shipping requests, and creating and managing working schedules, PipelineTransporter provides consistent information to accounting and marketing groups, operations, engineering and management.


Petrobras Transporte S.A.- Transpetro, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.- Petrobras, was incorporated in June 1998 based on the law that deregulated the oil and gas industry in Brazil.

The company’s mission is to provide bulk transport and storage of petroleum, its byproducts and natural gas through pipelines and ships, and to operate terminals in Brazil.

Founded in 1976 and headquartered in Houston, Energy Solutions International serves more than 500 clients in over 70 countries through its offices in the U.S., UK, India, China and Canada.

Business Wire


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