2005: It’s Brazil Year in France

Four hundred Brazilian cultural events will be presented during the Year of Brazil in France. The commemoration is being sponsored by the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (Apex), in conjunction with its French counterpart, the UBI France.

The announcement of the program was made Monday, November 2, in São Paulo, Brazil, by the Brazilian Minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil.

The Year of Brazil in France will run from March through December, 2005.

It will encompass debates, theatrical works, photography and painting exhibits, culinary demonstrations, shows, and literary symposia, among other activities.

“It is an excellent opportunity for Brazil to display all of itself,” Gil declared.

This will be the fifteenth time that the French government has invited a country to demonstrate its culture.

According to the press office of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, Brazil will be the last country to receive such an invitation.

In 2003, China was the country that was honored, and this year is Poland’s turn.

In addition, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was asked to take part in the commemoration of the French Revolution on July 14.

According to the Ministry, up to now this invitation has been extended to only three foreign heads of State.

Parallel to the cultural presentations, the Apex and UBI France will publicize opportunities for business between the two countries.

Among the activities that are planned are shows by Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Marcelo D2, and Maria Rita and sound trucks with live Carnaval bands traversing the streets of such cities as Paris, Nice, and Cannes.

Also in the program are performances of the play, Os Sertões, directd by José Celso Martinez Correa; and various events promoting Brazilian folk literature, such as the 1st International Brazilian Folk Literature Congress.

The Louvre will also participate in the events presenting an exposition of works painted by Franz Post in Brazil in the 18th century.

Agência Brasil
Translator: David Silberstein


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