With Bush Part 2, Nothing Changes Re: Brazil

The United States Ambassador to Brazil, John Danilovich, said today that with the reelection of President George W. Bush relation between the United States and Brazil should remain good.

In an interview in Brasí­lia, Danilovich characterized Bush’s victory as an expression of support by the majority of Americans for the current Administration’s domestic and foreign policies.

“The election demonstrated that the American population approved Bush’s performance over the past four years and, consequently, gave him another four-year term,” he affirmed.

According to the Ambassador, in its second term the Bush Administration will proceed with the agenda of protecting the United States against terrorism.

When asked why the presidential candidates failed to mention Latin America in their campaigns, Danilovich replied that campaigns generally focus on “crises.”

“It is usual in campaigns not to refer to good things, things that are going well, and Brazil is doing well, therefore it was not mentioned,” he said.

The Ambassador commended the macroeconomic policy followed by the Administration of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. This policy, he says, receives the backing of both the United States and the European Union.

According to Danilovich, negotiations over the establishment of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) should be resumed before the end of this year.

Danilovich believes that Bush should continue to back Brazil in its effort to become a leading force in South America.

“Brazil exercises a stablizing influence on the continent, and this is something that the United States has openly supported, and it will continue to back Brazil’s effort on the continent.

“As well as Brazil’s international effort as a country that has been acquiring a vital role and assuming leadership,” he assured.

For his part, the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, affirmed that the relationship between Brazil and the United States will remain good. “It will neither improve nor worsen,” the Minister said.

Agência Brasil
Translator: David Silberstein


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