Jobs in Brazil Up for 3rd Month in a Row

Industrial employment in Brazil grew 0.2% in July, the third gain in as many months, lifting the cumulative employment increase for the May-July period to 1.7%.

Compared with July, 2003, July’s results represent an increase of 2.3%, the biggest jump since the historical series commenced, in January, 2002.

That’s when the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) began to compile its Monthly Survey of Industrial Employment and Salaries.

For the year, the overall rise in the level of industrial employment was 0.5%.

According to the data released today by the IBGE, 12 of the 14 regions covered by the survey evidenced improvement in total employment in the July/July comparison.

The most significant increases occurred in Minas Gerais (4.5%), the South (3.4%), and São Paulo (1.5%).

In terms of actual purchasing power, payrolls in July remained stable in relation to June, but were up 8.3% when compared to July, 2003.

According to the IBGE, this result reflects the influence of growth in São Paulo’s machinery and equipment sector and the atypical swelling of payrolls in Rio de Janeiro’s extractive industries, in which employees received bonuses and profit-sharing distributions.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Cristiane Ribeiro
Translator: David Silberstein


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