Brazil’s Lula Asks More Daring from Teachers

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva says that Brazilian teachers should undergo “a major process of recycling.” During a reception in the Planalto Palace for students who were victorious at the International High School and University Math Olympics, Lula urged teachers to be more daring and stimulating in the classroom, so that students can learn the proposed material better.

“There are so many geniuses in Brazil, but to discover them we must use the right methods,” Lula observed.

The President announced that the government plans to examine the fourth and eighth grades of Brazilian schools next year, to evaluate the quality of instruction in the country.

“Based on this study, we shall have a more reliable map of education in our country. I have the impression we are going to find that, within the same city, there are students whose learning levels are different. We shall also see that some teachers are better than others in transmitting subjects to students,” Lula affirmed.

The Minister of Science and Technology, Eduardo Campos, announced that the government will hold a Math Olympics next year for three million public school students.

The existing International Math Olympics involves only 200 thousand students, most of them from private schools.

All 11 Brazilian participants in the University Olympics, held in Skopje, Macedonia, in July, won awards (one gold medal, three silvers, three bronzes, and four honorable mentions ). They competed with 190 other students from around the world.

In the High School Math Olympics, also held in July, in Athens, Greece, Brazil won six medals (two silvers and four bronzes).

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Ana Paula Marra
Translator: David Silberstein


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