metatag Letters - Why do you do this? - brazzil

Letters – Why do you do this?

Why do you do this?

Love your magazine! But I have a vexing problem… On
the letters page, you often publish letters from people requesting
information (a question, a source, etc.). There is never any answer,
except what might fit in the header line above the letter. Often, these
letters ask for information that might be of general interest.

Do you respond individually? If not, what do the
people who send these letters think? Even if you do, if you don’t print
a response, what is the point of printing the question??? Without a
contact address, etc. no-one else can respond either, so it seems
utterly pointless! I have noticed this too in other journals and always
wondered about it.

I would love to know the answer! Assuming I will
never receive one, let me suggest that you could reply in a few lines
to each such letter printed (as some journals do); or print a statement
that, due to constraints, replies will be impossible; or anything
besides those haunting questions to the void!

Brennan McBride — San Francisco, California

Matchmakers for Brazil

We have just received a fairly recent issue of the BRAZZIL – News from Brazil, sent to us by relatives in California. We are living in Sao Paulo, and enjoyed reading your magazine very much.

We both found it very informative, and full of info
relating to Brazil that the typical non-Brazilian would never know.
Politics, government issues, tourism, economical statistics, etc… The
various stories you covered in this particular issue were interesting,
and very well written.

The issue we received was worthy enough in that we
are requesting subscriptions for at least 4 people. Hopefully they also
will fall in love with this wonderful country, people, culture as
easily as I did (American husband, Brazilian wife). Continue the great
work !!!

Eric & Andreia Craig — Săo Paulo, Brazil

In Denmark too

I’m doing an interchange with a group of people from
Sao Paulo through the organization Childrens International Summer
Villages (CISV). I’m the leader of the Danish delegation and think that
BRAZZIL – News from Brazil might be something we could
use in our preparation. Before ordering anything I would like to know
if it is possible to get only one sample to look through.

This summer we had a visit from Brazil: six teenagers
and one leader. They were here to learn about Danish culture and we
(the Danish delegation) should learn something from the Brazilian
culture. We were together for a month in which the main goal was to
focus on culture. Now I would like to write an article to BRAZZIL – News from Brazil about two cultures meeting.

Kim Egeskov Pedersen — Silkebord, Denmark

Help, anyone?

I have been asked to write the entry about Brazilians
as an immigrant group for the Encyclopedia of American Immigrant
Cultures, a major reference work being published by Macmillan.

While I know a lot about the Brazilian community in
New York City and something about Brazilians in Massachusetts and
Florida, I know NOTHING about Brazilian immigrants in other places _
where they live, what kind of work they do, where they are from in
Brazil, social class, race, etc., etc.

Any info. of any kind would be much appreciated. I have read BRAZZIL – News from Brazil in print and on line on the Internet. I think you are doing an excellent job.

Maxine L. Margolis — Dept. of Anthropology – Univ. of Florida

Back to the roots

Please enter a one-year subscription for me to BRAZZIL – News from Brazil.
I’ll send the $3 fee after receiving the first issue. I’m glad I came
across you guys… I’m taking Portuguese language classes now after
having spent quite a bit of time in Brazil this summer visiting my
Brazilian side of the family. Best of luck to you and I’m looking
forward to the first issue!

Bill Faries — Washington, DC

An Australian appeal

I appreciate BRAZZIL – News from Brazil
being on the net to enable me to get an instant snapshot of current
Brazilian topics. Specifically and urgently, I would like to see/find a
list of Rotary International contacts in Brazil _ both electronic and
snail mail addresses. It would also be useful for listings of other
Brazil based community organizations with international links. For
example, Scouts, Jaycees, environmental organizations, sporting bodies
(soccer, polo) industry groups (farmer organizations, mining, planners,
architects). Keep up the good work.

Geoff Tregenza — Sydney, Australia

King yes, slave never

Parabéns para a excelente cobertura do tricentenário
de Zumbi. Ficamos muito contentes aqui com o número de outubro — e
matéria de capa, além do mais! E fiquei contente de ver a matéria de
John Burdick (“Being Black”) também. Provavelmente este número de BRAZZIL – News from Brazil vai ser o documento principal sobre o tricentenário no estrangeiro.

PS: O título “Slave King” seria mais adequadamente “Free King”, pois Zumbi nunca foi escravo; mas deixa para lá…

Rob Anderson — University of North Carolina

Generous Elis Regina

Estou escrevendo para parabenizá-los — mais uma vez — pelo belo trabalho que é a BRAZZIL – News from Brazil.
No entanto, desta vez, tenho uma pequena ressalva a fazer quanto ao
texto sobre a Elis Regina. Ela aparece dizendo, “With me it’s simple. I
doubt everything; my clothes, my friends… but my stage, that I do not

Elis fazia o oposto e na realidade disse: “Comigo é
muito simples, eu divido tudo; minhas roupas, meus amigos… mas meu
palco esse eu năo divido.” Cindy provavelmente se confundiu ao ler
divido como duvido. Creio que deveria ser: “With me it’s simple, I
share everything… but my stage, that I do not share.”

Wilson Loria — New York, New York

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