metatag LETTERS - January 2002 - brazzil

LETTERS – January 2002

January 2002

Shame on You

Would you be so kind as to explain why your Brazilian magazine is published in English? Every foreign magazine and newspapers in this city are published in
their native language. I am sure you are aware of that…Why is it then that your magazine is written in English? Where is the Brazilian pride?

Marcia O’Reilly

Not US?

In response to the article “Very Un-Brazilian” on your December 2001 issue I would like to add some comments. The author mentions many events that have
occurred around the world for which he felt sad or cried. Strangely enough he fails to mention the serious problems plaguing the US. Many of these problems have the potential
to cause the US to fall as a world leader.

Does he cry for the deteriorating schools in the US? Did he cry during the race riots in Ohio last year? Does he cry over the whopping number of drug addicts in
the US? How about the millions of unemployed? Has he noticed the legions of homeless in his own state of California? How about the working people that can’t afford basic
health care? How about the daily violence against women in the US? Does he cry over the continued bad race relations in the US? Did he cry when the US submarine rammed
a Japanese civilian boat killing most onboard?

My point is that I think that the author has cleverly pointed out problems around the world in order to make the US seem better than it really is! Like Martin Luther
King correctly pointed out… the US is a good country but not a great country. Greatness will come once the US addresses the problems listed above…

Brian Coff
Via Internet

The Real Foe

Dear John Roscoe, that was an interesting article (“Sex? Of Course!” – December 2001). Actually you should have separated it into two. I was glad that somebody
finally discussed the differences in how sex is viewed in
Brazzil Magazine. I also notice that in the US the young teenage generation is viewing sex differently. They are very
casual about sex. I doubt that many will really be faithful to their mate once they are married. They treat sex like my generation treated kissing!

I am sorry to hear how you are struggling. $450 per month just doesn’t cut it! I know of several military friends that have retired and live overseas. They have jobs
like you do but the retirement check that is often around $2K per month is what keeps their lifestyle high overseas. I get postcards and letters of the great life that they are living.

I have heard stories of people that like what Bin Laden did. I have even heard people joking in the US that Bin Laden kicked our butts! I just smiled along with
them because like you I know that the US will strike back in a way to make them regret the attacks on the US! More than 50 percent of the world population makes less than $2
per day. Therefore I don’t expect them to worship the wealthy US! Looking back I kind of wish that some of the money spent on military weapons had gone to help alleviate
world suffering.

When I was in the military we used to frighten countries into respecting us. Perhaps we should have provided more food and aid. Perhaps we should have waged
a war on the real enemy: ignorance.

Brian Coff
Via Internet

Black of World, Unite

Some places in Brazil remind me of black America. I am a black man in America and this sounds like our roots revisited. The time is here for the whole Diaspora to
essentially wake and realize we all come from Africa and there is a connection. I want to do some business in Bahia and I know some of my associates would love to bring a little
part of black America to you. Please reply. Black love black, peace, black unity. Write me at

Via Internet

Getting into Focus

Dear Mrs. Murphy, I live in the Bay Area, and I’m also Brazilian-American. I recently received a copy of
Brazzil magazine, and read your article, “The Art of Being
Brazilian.” Well done! As an unlucky stranger to Brazilian culture, I’m in the process of trying to connect to my culture. Your article helped me a lot in connecting aspects of my
personality as well as my own outlook on life with Brazilian culture. It’s funny that when I read your article, a lot of things became clearer and more focused. I look forward to reading
more about Brazil from you, and by the way, I love Canada! Again, fabulous article!!

Geraldo Wayne Sterling
Via Internet

Love It or Leave It

I hate emigrants. I feel nauseated when Brazilians go to another country and then criticize us a lot. The children of these people will steal our Amazon. The
children of these people will write messages in the Internet telling how Brazilian women are easy to get, how Brazilians are lazy, how Belo Horizonte is ugly, how Hispanics are
silly, etc. You may say that everybody has the right to have a better life, but I believe that everybody has a duty to make their own country a better place to live. When you
work in the USA you are helping then to grow. Maybe a lot of people are poor in Brazil, but nobody is hungry, except for some boys in the streets. But they are less then 3
percent of the population.

If you had money enough to buy a plane ticket you surely were not a resident of a
favela. Maybe there is unemployment in Brazil, but there is unemployment in the
whole world. The unemployment in Brazil is 7 percent, in the USA it is 4 percent, in the UK 5 percent, in France 9 percent, in Germany 9 percent, Italy 10 percent, Spain 14
percent. So, in that respect Brazil is one of the best places in the world to live.

Maybe there is violence in Brazil, but you can move to the small cities, where life is peaceful. Anyway, the chance of being killed in a city as violent as Rio de
Janeiro in a year is 1 in 2000. I love Brazil, I love my people, I will never ever emigrate to the USA or any other country. Brazil, love it or leave it and if you don’t love it then go to hell!

G. L.
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil


I happened upon “Idiom Idiots,” an article by Wilson Velloso on a search engine while I was researching Portuguese linguistics. The article was brilliant and
that’s coming from a former journalist. I didn’t even know your magazine existed. I’m moving to Brazil in about two years with my job, and I want to be up on all things Brazilian
by the time I get there. I would love to have a free copy of your magazine. Thank you so much. It just goes to show that giving free access to magazine articles on-line
doesn’t mean that a company will necessarily lose business. It’s nice to have free access to your articles on-line, but that just makes me want to have my own copy of
Brazzil in my hands each month. I’m a consummate magazine saver. I’m sure I will subscribe to yours and collect them for years to come.

H. M. Burton
Bloomington, Indiana

TV Inferiority Complex

Since the subject of Sept. 11 is ongoing, I shall put in my two bits. The M-16 automatic rifle is the most recognizable personal military weapon in the world.
According to the “World Almanac”, Washington gave money, weapons, military training or assistance to 114 foreign governments last year. The Freedom House Website states
that an American ‘might’ consider 20 of these countries as free.

When the populace of the other 94 foreign countries sees their government’s military carrying those black rifles, they know who supplied whom. That’s a lot of
potential enemies made in a single year. And I thought they were just jealous of my big screen TV.

In 1989, Secretary of State Madeline Albright announced, “If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall.
We see farther into the future”. Wouldn’t it be lovely if those other countries just admitted how dispensable they are? Well they’re just jealous of our big screen TV’s.

In response to Mr. Brinkman’s letter on his obvious personal campaign against tasteless lowbrow media, I say, “I’m with you 100%. Let’s start with Hollywood”.

David Harada
Via Internet

We Work with Volunteers

Are you interested in an article about açaí
in California and generally in the US? I think you know Ryan Black from Sambazon, who is importing the stuff from the
Amazon. I have been to the Amazon and am pretty familiar with the situation. If you are interested let me know how many words and how much you pay. Excellent pics are available.

Rick Richardson
Via Internet

“Águas” Tablature

Hola! Hello! I live in Michigan but I am a Cuban. I used to be a singer in my country and I sang Brazilian music there. I have an American friend who plays your music
and he would like to have the tablatura or
cifras for Tom Jobim’s “Águas de Março.” Would your help us?

Sabina Texido

You’ve Got Your Miracle

Hey, guys, I need a miracle. Please tell me “Baden Powell & Maria D’Apparecida, 1977” is available on CD. I’ve been looking for it all over the place.

mike (a Powell freak)


Help, Anyone

Many years ago my family hosted a foreign exchange student from Brazil. Her name is Janaína Theulen Zagonel. She was actually from San José dos Pinhais, in
the Greater Curitiba, Paraná. A couple of years ago we lost contact and I have been desperately trying to locate her again, I am looking for e-mail, phone number,
address, anything! Your site was recommended because of the English translation. My Portuguese isn’t so good any more so I have been having a difficult time. Please if you can
help me or direct me to some other organization I would really appreciate it. Thank You. I can be reached at or

Joella Pehl
Via Internet

Forgotten Bahia

Why isn’t there a link to a newspaper in Salvador, Bahia, in your Website? Isn’t Salvador the third largest city in Brazil?

Ben Wright
Via Internet

Great Help

Hello Bruce, my name is Jason Grisell, I am a filmmaker and DJ from Los Angeles. I have plans to film a documentary on the life of Suba. This of course hinges on
the accessibility of information, the ability to license the music, and the availability of persons who would be willing to be interviewed to bring the story to life. Your article is
a wonderful source of information for all who were moved and inspired by Suba and his music. I am not sure where you live, but I would love to talk to you about this
project, and garner your thoughts and opinions on it.

Jason Grisell
Los Angeles, California

Unfortunate Choice

It is shameful! The parody to the Brazilian National anthem
( should be removed from the Internet. Brazilians deserve more respect.

Via Internet

Lot to Laugh About

Hey, I am 16-year-old Brazilian and I am living in America now as an exchange student for one year. I was doing my project for school about Brazil when I found
your Website. I couldn’t resist, so I read! I really laughed a lot. It is really true everything that you wrote! I really had a hard time adapting myself here! But now, it is OK! I am
writing in English because I am not sure you guys really can understand Portuguese, so I think it could be nice if we keep in touch.

Via Internet

See Our Yellow Pages

I have lived in Brazil for many years. Currently I live in Utah and I am trying to find a Brazilian food/products store that has mail order or Internet order. Can you help?

Brent Davis

Looking Up North

Dear Jerine, I´ve just read your article from the Oct 98 issue of
Brazzil and am writing in the hope of finding you at the same e-mail address stated therein. I´m
British and have been living in Brazil for some 20 years, almost the whole time here in the city of São Paulo, where I teach English privately.

I daydream about being able to move upstate, particularly to a community centered on cattle raising. I would like to benefit more from/build up the link between the
English language and the rural/country/western lifestyle—in teaching English through the medium of (old-style) country music, and getting one’s (affluent) students to spend
on English lessons with, say, George Jones/Tammy Wynette flavor to it as opposed to a McDonald’s one. A school with links to a shop selling Western goods, particularly
music, which links to the ELT (English Language Teaching) again. As you have worked in this (Western goods) business in Presidente Prudente, I was hoping we might be
able to correspond on the subject.

Simon Parr


Congratulations to the journalists from
Brazzil magazine. I’m a Brazilian journalism student from Belo Horizonte and I’m very happy about what you wrote. We must
stop with the images that the world has about Brazil. You write about the right things we have here.

Renata Freitas
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Sponsor Chance

I’m producing a half-hour documentary about Brazilian immigrants here in the San Francisco Bay Area. The documentary will focus on four individuals’ feelings
and experiences here in the USA and how they deal with issues such as cultural differences, language barrier, prejudice, etc. I’m looking for sponsors for the project since
I’m a student at San Francisco State University and they will provide only a very restricted time for equipment use. Would you be interested in receiving some more
information or maybe helping me find such sponsors?

Juliana Yates
San Francisco, California

Brazil Charm

I’m an African-American in California. My interest in Brazil has peaked when a friend of mine (also black), went there to visit, mostly Rio de Janeiro, and he had a
great time. He didn’t mention any visible racism, or discrimination, but since he’s a tourist, he doesn’t see the real picture. Am I correct with that assumption?

Anyway, I liked the article. It covered almost every conceivable topic in this race issue. Except maybe how is interracial dating/marriage viewed? What do you
think? I must say that your country/that country has some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. I would love to come visit one day. Brother/sister, take care, if time allows,
tell me what you think about my questions.

Anthony Simpkins
Via Internet

Looking for Pen Pal

Would love to visit your country. The more I read about Brazil the more I want to come. Do you have sites that give information on traveling companions or guides? I
am very interested in the Afro-Brazilian culture and would like to begin corresponding with someone with the hope of visiting your country. Send info/messages/notes

Wendell Hall
West Palm Beach, Florida

Raring to Go

I’m moving to Brazil at the end of the year and trying to get as much info about Brazilians, their culture and the political landscape of the country. Read “The Art of
Being Brazilian” and really enjoyed it, so I thought I’d check out your mag!

Tracy Carrero
San Diego, California

Love your magazine. I subscribe mostly for the music interviews but have come to love the social and political commentaries. I have just finished an arrangement of
a popular Brazilian song entitled “Mas Que Nada”. In the past your magazine has given lyrics to popular songs along with the translation into English. Do you know of a
back issue of Brazzil that had the lyrics to this song, with or without the translation? And if so, will you contact me and tell me which issue? Obrigado

John Bengtson
White Salmon, Washington

Can You Use a Hand?

I work in construction as an electrical supervisor and was curious about volunteer opportunities in Brazil. I would appreciate any information you can give me.

Via Internet

Packing the Bags

Hi! I just received your magazine. I truly love it. I’m looking for a guided tour vacation trip to Brazil. I live in the Virgin Islands, St. Croix. Got any information on how to
start planning for the trip? And what would be the total cost? Feel free to call me at the above telephone number. I’m going to share this magazine with all my friends here in
the Virgin Islands. Love ya.

Gail Johnson

St Croix, Virgin Islands

Greetings from Brazil! First of all, I’d like to congratulate you on the wonderful magazine and the easy access we, Brazilians, can have to it through the Net. It’s
really handy. I find the articles very interesting. I’d like to ask you a favor. I read the “Brazil & American Tradegy” article and heard constantly about Dione Rocha, the
woman responsible for a very polemic article, but I neither got to read it or found the article. I’d like to know if there is any possibility to send it over to me or tell me where I can
find it.

Mauricio Rocha

Brazilian Hero

Sou brasileira, vivo nos Estados Unidos há 37 anos e continuo sendo brasileira. Não trocaria minha pátria por nenhuma outra… Gostaria que vocês publicassem
uma notícia de que todos os brasileiros vão orgulhar-se: o poder ainda encontrar pessoas como a senhora Raymunda Santos. Apesar de não mais ser uma jovem
demonstrou ao povo americano que nós os brasileiros também somos humanos.

Vocês podem fazer uma entrevista com ela pois eu acredito que foi a única pessoa de nacionalidade brasileira que foi como voluntária da Cruz Vermelha ajudar
a remover os corpos e os escombros em Nova York. Eu e também os brasileiros que vivem aqui sentem-se orgulhosos de ver que ainda existem pessoas como Raymunda.

Odette Drago
Burbank, California

No Way

Cara Loretta Murphy, li seu artigo na revista
Brazzil que me chegou hoje mesmo. Nunca havia lido esta revista, mas tem coisas interessantes nela. Espero receber
mais números, esse foi o primeiro. Bem, espero que possa entender meu Português. Eu aqui estou na América do Norte ao mesmo tempo que você está no Brasil. Cheguei
aqui em 1997.

Concordo com tudo que você escreve. Infelizmente, minha carreira de engenheiro nunca teve nenhum jeitinho, se bem que eu gostaria que tivesse ao menos
um empurrãozinho, uma colher de chá, uma dica. Nada, sempre consegui na situação a mais imparcial possível.

Todos os empregos que tive foram conseguidos através de anúncios em jornal e em alguns eu tive de fazer exame. Mas não me arrependo, é a experiência que
traz valor, não o jeitinnho sacana de muitos. Como disse Mark Twain, novelista: “Experience gives you good judgment and bad judgment gives you experience.” Conheço
os dois. À parte meus typos (erros tipográficos), eu me esforço aqui. Mas o maior motivo de eu sair do Brasil foi a falta de segurança em São Paulo.

Eu tenho moradia em São Paulo e em Jundiaí, mas não tenho mais motivação para viver numa cidade agitada e cheia de assaltos. Fui assaltado três vezes. Daí eu
vim para o Oregon. Mas estou de mudança para Manitoba, Winnipeg. Se souber algo de lá, por favor me escreva.

Obrigado pela sua atenção. Vou mostrar seu artigo a todos os amigos daqui, que são muito poucos. Aqui não se faz amigos como no Brasil, mas eu entendo. Adios.

Paulo R.Rogerio, MSc, PE
Civil Engineer

Do I Smell a Rat?

Na URL encontrei o texto “Dirty Trick” onde é relatada uma discussão entre um jornalista estrangeiro e um “policial”. Segundo
o texto, a briga teria sido presenciada por um jornalista NATIVO que, apreciando o vocabulário do colega, publicou a história sobre o “El Viejito de la Puteada”,
deixando o colega estrangeiro famoso a ponto de ganhar viagens grátis de taxi e mesa em restaurante (decadente).

Peço que verifiquem a autenticidade da matéria, que, segundo a introdução, teria se passado no Brasil. Como os senhores se lembram, no Brasil falamos
português, e a expressão “El Viejito de la Puteada” não possui nem sequer uma palavra nesta lingua, parecendo mais com o castelhano… Portanto, não deve ter acontecido
aqui… Neste caso, será que a matéria é, assim, pertinente a proposta do site e da revista? Ou o amigo do autor não é tão bom em português quanto ele acredita… (?)

O dicionário de palavrões que segue a história foi aparentemente copiado da própria Internet… pude encontrar cópia EXATA dele na URL:, por exemplo… Mas quem copiou quem? Um jornalista passaria horas pesquisando e digitando tais expressões só pra dar colorido a uma
matéria? E por que a propaganda do livro “Dicionário de gíria—modismo lingüístico” com instruções sobre como contactar os autores e comprar cópias ($15 a cópia + $15
para remessa para países estrangeiros—não define se dólares ou reais ou escudos ou yens…)?

If it happened in the US, with, probably, a Spanish speaker (“el viejito de la puteada”), why is it published in
Brazzil? The story induces to two major
misunderstandings… Brazilians do talk Spanish… and Brazilian people prefer foreigners who have a foul mouth”(?!?!!). Now, it sounds like it was an excuse to put some slang words in
the magazine…

As matérias da revista Brazzil, pelo que tenho lido na rede, sempre tentam manter um alto padrão de informação verídica sobre a cultura brasileira, no sentido
de diminuir— senão eliminar—os preconceitos ainda existentes, junto aos povos de língua inglesa. No entanto, a matéria “Dirty trick” não demonstra contribuir com os
objetivos da revista… Principalmente por não se ter estabelecido a autenticidade da história, nem qualquer envolvimento com brasileiros.

Como contada, a história só faria sentido em se passando no Brasil, ou, se em qualquer outro lugar, ao menos o “viejito de la puteada” deveria ser brasileiro e,
portanto, deveria ser apelidado em português e, no caso de um erro da imprensa local, deveria ter sido registrado na matéria a correção necessária para manter o sentido da revista.

Os editores, se não desejavam adulterar a redação original, poderiam ter ao menos incluído nota de rodapé (Lembram da expressão “Nota do Editor”?).

A frase “(…) Some of his terms are included in the following mini-glossary of vulgar and unconventional Brazilian words and expressions (…)” deixa bem claro que
a história teria que ter se passado no Brasil para se justificar (De que adiantaria usar palavrões brasileiros contra policiais dos EUA, da França, ou mesmo, chineses?).

Abraços e votos de um Feliz Ano Novo,

Marcos Araújo
Brazil, Via Internet

Lack of Faith

De um profissional da informação espera-se hoje, mais do que nunca, uma visão holística da realidade. E a afirmação de que o povo brasileiro não se importou
com o incidente de 11 de setembro de 2001 é no mínimo surrealista.

Como cobrar expressões conjuntas de pesar, de um povo que não encontra mais líder confiável para coordenar sequer uma reunião de condomínio, uma
manifestação contra a corrupção entre senadores, ou lutar contra a injustiça que governa o país?

Mesmo morando no Brasil, o autor da matéria “Brazilians Don’t Seem to Care” (Outubro 2001) não percebeu o que ocorreu à sua volta?

Dizem que o brasileiro não tem memória. Bem… Como Freud aferiu, aquilo que não pode ser trazido à memória consciente, são justamente os fatos mais
marcantes do inconsciente.

Talvez o brasileiro não lembre da queda do prédio Palace II. Talvez o brasileiro não lembre que o dono da construtora está usufruindo tranqüilamente sua
fortuna em praias da Flórida. Talvez o brasileiro não lembre que devido à vitória brasileira de uma concorrência internacional para fornecimento de aviões, a América do
Norte se uniu para tentar difamar a carne bovina produzida no país.Talvez o brasileiro não lembre do político que ele elegeu, que violou a confidencialidade do voto e,
para escapar da justiça, renunciou seu mandato indecorosamente.

Talvez nenhum brasileiro lembre do nome de qualquer uma das crianças que diariamente morrem de fome nas calçadas, das mães que diariamente morrem
doentes por falta de atendimento médico, dos pais que diariamente morrem ou ficam aleijados por trabalharem em condições sub-humanas em troca de salários inferiores aos
de escravos, pois o salário mínimo nacional não supre sequer a necessidade nutricional de um ser humano.

Talvez nenhum brasileiro lembre o por quê de diariamente mais órfãos desistirem dos estudos, mais órfãos nascerem para uma vida de crimes e mais órfãos
morrerem no crime. Talvez nenhum brasileiro lembre o gosto de uma luta vitoriosa.

Acabamos aprendendo que a sensação de ter um lar como abrigo seguro, era ilusória, e essa descoberta dói. Acabamos aprendendo que a justiça não atende
aqueles que mais precisam dela, e isso também dói. Acabamos aprendendo que apesar de se contar com a idoneidade nas relações com os parceiros internacionais, tal
idoneidade é diáfana, e isso dói.

Acabamos aprendendo que mesmo elegendo representantes juramentados para eliminar o caos, o caos não se dissipa, pois é regido pelos eleitos, e isso dói.

Acabamos aprendendo que mesmo com todo o discurso ecológico, a célula fundamental da sociedade, a família, não é preservada, e isso também dói.

Acabamos aprendendo que a grandeza do futuro deste país não será alcançada pelas gerações de nossos filhos e netos, que são sistematicamente afogados
em trevas, e, meu Deus, como isso dói!

Mas aprendemos também que olhos cheios d’água não são braços prontos para a luta. Que um dia de luto, um feriado nacional, uma hora de silêncio, não
serviria de consolo suficiente para os vinte mil indianos que morreram em um terremoto este ano. E que não há expressão para a dor de quem vivia sob a segurança da
“Pax-Americana”, arrancada de nosso peito junto a tantas vidas humanas, inclusive de conterrâneos, ceifadas naquelas duas torres.

Se o autor do texto tivesse ao menos olhado o brasileiro direto nos olhos teria enxergado o desespero íntimo, pois a crença em um lugar seguro sobre a Terra
foi definitivamente extinta junto com os mais belos sonhos materiais e a sociedade em que vivíamos. Como explicar ao povo do país mais rico do mundo que devolver o
país mais pobre do mundo à pré-história não nos dá mais segurança, mas apenas atesta que o nosso irmão mais forte encontrou alguém mais forte que ele.

Que algumas vitórias são verdadeiras derrotas, pois destruindo o ninho, os insetos se espalham pela casa ilesos. Numa colméia, quando morre a rainha, outras
são geradas. Que o primeiro passo para eliminar o fanatismo é a educação, e esta só é possível quando extintos os preconceitos na alma do educador. Que a luta por
aquilo que é justo se faz pela perseverança na fé.

Alianças, como as amizades, são tecidas no tratamento fraterno, no cotidiano. E neste momento, em que nossos presidentes se limitam a trocar “telefonemas de
apoio” entre si, nossos povos não encontram uma linguagem comum para expressar apoio mútuo, pois, hoje, apenas a fé em Deus restou aos brasileiros e nEle a persistimos,
e seguimos lutando.

Lágrimas, rituais, minutos de silêncio e luto podem ser facilmente teatralizados e institucionalizados. Mas a dor, de mais uma chaga na alma, tão forte que não
sobra força para empurrar a voz pra fora da garganta, esta não pode ser reproduzida.

For History’s Sake

Parabéns pelo site. Eu sou um português radicado em Toronto, Canadá e interesso-me por história assim como literatura. Acho o site interessante do ponto de
vista histórico.

José Lopes
Toronto, Canada

Making It Count

Estou desenvolvendo um website para brasileiros que residem ou estão no processo de adaptação. Em uma das páginas do website, eu gostaria de inserir
nomes de brasileiros que estão nos EUA fazendo “a diferença”. Ou seja, médicos, professores, intelectuais, comerciantes, etc! Qualquer informação seria muito bem vinda!

Carla Zuengler
Via Internet


Can’t you
find Brazzil at your Brazilian consulate?
Don’t ask us why, ask the consulate.



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