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Brazzil - Behavior - Cover Story - June 1996

More sex please! We are Brazilian

Everything you ever wanted to know about sex in Brazil and never
was able to find at your usual sources. What Brazilians think about
sex, is it true that there are many more women than men in the country,
are Brazilians really the hottest sexual machine on the planet? And
what about sex for sale? Is prostitution legal? Where is sex available,
how much does it cost, what are the code words for men and women
willing to pay to get laid? This is not an exploitation piece on the
serious and criminal problem of underage prostitution in Brazil.
It's a guide and a source of statistics for those interested in knowing
the adult Brazilian lover and the way he/she lives his/her sexual life.

Rodolfo Espinoza

Despite its image of a latter-day Sodom and the land of debauchery and licentiousness, the country that gave us the string bikini can be downright prudish. It's true that prime-time novelas (soap operas) use to boost up their ratings by showing unveiled genitalia and the annual street Carnaval parade bares breasts and all the rest on the Avenue, but there are no public nude beaches as in Europe and the hard-core video and CD ROM sex industry is far from flourishing as in the US. The real sexual revolution in Brazil is very recent but the natives are catching up fast.

That Brazilians and Cariocas (natives of Rio) are sensual is not just a myth. A new study from Infoglobo has shown that 17% of Cariocas between the ages of 18 and 49 have sex every day. And while the British spend an average of 3 minutes in a sexual encounter, the Italians 8, the French and Americans 6, Rio's residents have a "whooping" average of 45 minutes per sexual session. Only Africans have the same high rate in this department. The Infoglobo study, which listened to 300 men and 300 women, also revealed that 48% of Cariocas have sex from two to three times a week. The profile of the average interviewee: a married person between the ages of 30 and 39 with a monthly salary of $1,200 or less.

In an interview with Rio's daily O Globo, psychoanalyst and sexologist Sheiva Cherman complained that the study hadn't asked for the duration of the relationship among those interviewed.

-- Rio is the most sensual city in the world, she said. And there's a commitment from the population to keep this image. Libido, however, doesn't mean practice of the sexual act. The sexual practice is more frequent when the love relationship is recent.

Another revealing piece of information is that 55% of all women claimed to have attained orgasm every time they tried it, without ever having to fake it. Hard to believe? The American magazine Cosmopolitan interviewed their readers in 29 countries and concluded that lack of orgasm is a common and universal complaint. The world average for orgasmic women every time they go to bed is a mere 26.6%. Only Italians, with a climax rate of 53.2%, come close to their hot Brazilian counterparts.

As for the men, they are a proud, boastful and maybe a tad lying lot. A full 64% of Cariocas guarantee that they have never had a problem with erection during the sexual act. And the assertion was confirmed by 69% of their female partners. The secret there seems to be the fact that 78% of men and 89% of women like to share their sexual fantasies. Machismo, however, is still strong. Only 28% of the women, according to the research, have the initiative to start the love game in bed.

This openness, however, doesn't apply to the disclosure of adultery, which is still very common despite the AIDS fear. Says biologist Catherine Lowndes from the Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública (National School of Public Health) which is part of the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, "Due to social and biological factors, women are more susceptible to venereal diseases. They ignore several facts dealing with sexuality, have little bargaining power in sexual relations and are victims of sexual violence on a large scale. Besides, there is a social acceptance of male infidelity and the habit of concealing it."

Research conducted among the patients at the Gaffrée Guinle Hospital in Rio showed that 70% of the heterosexual men interviewed had had more than one sexual partner the previous year, while 7.9% had participated in group sex. All of this has contributed to the increase of AIDS among women who are getting the disease from their husbands and live-in lovers.

The results from a national Datafolha research project about sexual behavior among different professional categories, however, show a much smaller rate of infidelity. The study that was ordered by the Central Geral dos Trabalhadores (CGT), a national confederation of workers, included 3,644 men and women in seven Brazilian capitals.

As expected, the research revealed that necessity also makes fidelity. Men and women more likely to stray were those with jobs that allowed an alibi for their sexual escapes. So, while 21% of metalworkers admitted to adultery this number increased to 27% among those working in construction.

The study also revealed how faithfulness is seen in different regions of the country. The national average of infidelity is 23%. Cariocas appear to be just a little over this number, with an unfaithfulness rate of 29%, the same as Gaúchos (those from Rio Grande do Sul). In São Paulo 19% of the workers acknowledge extramarital affairs and only 18% of the workers in Belo Horizonte (capital of Minas Gerais) admitted to infidelity, but the practice of sex outside the home is something common for 50% of those interviewed in Belém, capital of Pará, a national record in this study.


If the battle of the sexes is an unequal one all over the world, women in Brazil have still another handicap: their sheer numbers. Census data show, that among those Brazilians between ages 15 and 49, there are 1.8 million more women than men in the country. That means an average of 95 men for every 100 women. In urban centers like São Paulo and in the Northeast this imbalance goes up to 85 out of 100.

Some experts believe that this will contribute to 10% of Brazilian women never having a chance to marry. According to census data, in Rio de Janeiro for example, the state where this difference is more pronounced in absolute numbers, there are 315,056 more women than men.

To complicate matters, while there are 4.2 million divorced or separated women, the number of men in the same situation is only 1.9 million. This shows what everybody knows: that it is much easier for a separated man to find a new partner than for a woman. The official numbers also reveal that 80.6% of the 37,000 divorced men who decided to remarry in 1994 chose not-previously-married women. As for widows, there are 4.5 millions of them in the country compared to 870,000 widowers.

This female disadvantage is explained by the so-called "solitude pyramid" theory. Interviewed by the daily Folha de São Paulo, Elza Berquó, from Unicamp's (University of Campinas, São Paulo) Núcleo de Estudos Populacionais (Center for Population Studies) explained: "Women look at the top of the pyramid where the offer of partners decreases, while men look at the base which is larger. The matrimonial market always favors men."

This state of affairs has in practice encouraged the number of non-official marriages and in some cases even a kind of mild polygamy in which men have more than one partner. The rate of marriages has been decreasing. While there were 7.48 marriages for 1,000 people in 1986, these unions had fallen to 4.96 in '94. There were 763,000 weddings in 1994 compared to 1 million in '86, when the country had a smaller population.

In a 1992 study entitled "The contraction of the matrimonial market and the increase of consensual unions in Brazil" two foreign scholars, American Margaret Greene and Indian Vijayendra Rao suggested that society allowing men to have more than one partner makes it possible for women to be married at least once and helps to alleviate the problem of the deficit of available male partners.


Match-maker agencies have been sprouting all over Brazil. All of them, however, seem to have the same problem: more female clients than male ones. Paimi (Primeira Agência Internacional de Matrimônios e Informações - First Internacional Agency for Matrimonies and Information), for example, has been in business for 50 years and has offices in São Paulo, Rio and New York. With 3,000 clients, the Cupid helper charges around $1,000 plus a bonus when there is a marriage. They say they have made "4,000 unions" including that of Harry Philippe Mihalescu who is the owner and son of Paimi's founder. Their telephone in São Paulo: (011) 221-9699.

Apego -- (011) 543-2659 -- another matchmaker company from São Paulo has been recruiting their male clients aggressively even with ads in men's magazines. But really aggressive is Partner's owner, who is known only as Vicente and who goes personally to singles bars and night clubs to convince men to join his company. Partner -- (051) 336-8036 is an agency from Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul).

Happy End -- (011) 853-7466 -- has dozens of connections in the US and Europe and more than 2,200 clients. To use the services of this company founded in 1992 clients pay around $1,000 and $1,000 more after 3 months of courtship. One of the newest kids on the block is Apego -- (011) 543-2659 -- a service created by Inge Gruber, an Austrian woman who sold her apartment and used the $80,000 she got to start the company last year. The cost here varies from $150 to $800 and the number of clients has already reached 500.

In Recife, the Brasil Exterior agency -- (081) 421-3080 -- is specialized in finding husbands in Germany for its clients. After seven years in business, the service which has a catalogue of more than 1,000 women, has contributed to close to 200 marriages. In an interview with Veja magazine last year, Lindinalva Santana Ferraz, the company's owner declared, "We don't admit sexual tourism or gold-diggers." Every time there's an "I do" Ferraz gets rewarded with $1400.

Contrary to what we may think, most of Lindinalva's clients are not poor girls looking for an easy way out of their misery. By and large they are middle-class women who have a college degree or at least have finished high-school. By the way, completed high-school is one of the requirements to make the list. Many times they are women disillusioned with Brazil and Brazilian men. Their average age is 20.

According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), Brazilian women start their sexual life around 19. But this age has been lowering recently mainly in urban centers. Pregnancy among early teens has been also on the increase and this is due not only to a more benevolent view towards sex. Biological factors also play a role: every ten years menarche (the first menstrual period) occurs four months earlier. In the '90s the average age for girls to have their first menstruation is 12.

Pregnancies among girls between 13 and 15 years of age have doubled in the last decade and a half, still based on IBGE's numbers. Close to 8,000 children were born last year to mothers who were 15 or younger. In the late '70s this number was around 3,700 a year. Another 600,000 children are also born to 16 to 19 year old mothers every year. This number, although bigger, has been stable for many years. The situation is similar for poor and well-to-do teens, but for the richer girls, the use of abortion is much more prevalent.


Another side of the situation of inequality between the sexes is the rampant increase of prostitution and related services. To hear some people, every Brazilian woman except the mother, the sister, the wife and the daughter of the person speaking, is willing to go to bed with the first stranger, for the right price.

The dozens of classified ads under headings like Acompanhantes (Escorts), Casas de Massagem (Massage Parlors), Termas (Sauna houses), all code names for prostitution, show that there are plenty of women, and men for that matter, willing to make a buck on the meat market. On a recent Sunday, daily Folha de São Paulo had 101 offers under Escorts, from Abigail ("20, top model from the '80s, brunette, long hair, hotel/motel. $200 Tel.: (011) 607-9001) to Ymaeda ("burning Japanese, your dream girl -- (011) 693-8007).

In Brasília, the Capital of Brazil, there are more than 30 prostitution agencies, all installed in residential areas, which cater to the tastes of the men and also a few women in power. Visitors to the city are showered with cards and ads from night clubs like Queen's, Amore Mio, Flor Amorosa, all fronts for prostitution, as soon as they arrive at the airport. The enticement continues in hotels and places where tourists usually gather.

Prostitution is not illegal in Brazil. What is illegal is pimping. Maintaining a place for sexual encounters is also against the law. To avoid being caught by a zealous law enforcer, many of the places present themselves as legitimate businesses charging only for beverages and other services, letting the negotiations about bedding be decided between the client and the prostitute.

Prostitutes can be found all over the country. In some towns in the interior they live together in an area generally known as zona. In Ceará, the red light district is called curral (corral); in Rio Grande do Sul, viveiro (nursery or aviary); and in Minas Gerais coréia (Corea). Prostitution is also common on national roads and big city streets. In Brazil, motels generally charge by the hour and are utilized more as love nests than places for a family or a business man to spend the night.

"The World Sex Guide", which is available on the Internet, has very little about prostitution in Brazil. But it presents the personal accounts of men who have been to Rio, São Paulo and Recife and who have met prostitutes.

An anonymous French guy, for example, presents himself as having "a good knowledge of brothels in Brazil, due to my frequent journeys there during the past five years". He talks mostly about Recife and divides prostitution there into three categories: garotas de programa (program girls), mulheres de bordel (brothel women), and vira bolsinhas (turn purses -- girls who ply their trade on the streets.

According to the French libertine, the garotas de programa are easy to spot in public places like restaurants and bars. "They try to make eye contact, especially if you are dressed like a gringo. How old you are doesn't mean a thing. They know exactly when to talk about money." A motel will cost from $15 to $50 according to this report.

He also describes in detail what happens when the garota and the john get to the bedroom: "The girl will take off her dress and you go together with her to the shower. She will take you to bed when you seem clean enough. She will touch you, suck you (without a condom if you don't ask to put one on), and you can fuck her as much as you like, in as many positions as you want. She will dress your buddy with a condom before fucking. Take your time, as there is no problem of time with her. She is not a "whore" and what she would like is to stay with you all night and you can come in her mouth if you want."

The French lecher cites go-go bars at Praça da Boa Viagem as good places to pick up women and the Cravo e Canela bar at Rua das Creoulas in downtown. As for brothels, he cites the Twenty Club at Rua Luiz de Farias Barbosa, 20 at Boa Viagem beach. He describes the place: "The girls are the nicest I've ever seen in Brazil. When you enter, Mama-san gives you the prices. It was $180 on May 1995. You will pay her directly when you leave, like you would in a good restaurant. For the money you can pick up any girl you want. The best is to drink something with her and when you are ready just say vamos (let's go). The sex itself takes 1 hour for $150."

For years European tour companies, mainly the German ones, have been exploring the sexual tourism in Recife (Pernambuco), Fortaleza (Ceará), Salvador (Bahia), and more recently Maceió (Alagoas). Since assuming the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism in January of 1995, Minister Dorothéa Werneck has been talking directly to travel agents in Europe to convince them that Brazil has much better attractions than its women, things like beautiful places and good businesses.


Porto Alegre offers a special service by fax for those clients interested in seeing the merchandise before buying it. The Dóris agency, whose girls seem all to have just stepped out from a photo session for a men's magazine and whose ages are between 18 and 23, has been using the photofax since last year. The service became a hit and more than 85% of the business is now done through it.

Half of the girls, however, still refuse to be photographed, worried that the picture will fall on the wrong hands like a friend or relative who doesn't know their line of work. The price: $240 for two hours of company and sex. Full service for the whole night costs $600. Zero Hora, a daily from Rio Grande do Sul cites Luciane, one of Dóris's girls, saying, "I had a hard time reaching orgasm before. But now that I know that I am being paid I come every time."

In Rio, the Vila Mimosa, a zona in the suburbs that housed more than 1,000 prostitutes had been razed at the beginning of the year to make room for a residential complex called Cidade Nova. This didn't prevent the world's oldest profession from continuing to flourish in the so-called Cidade Maravilhosa. These were naturally poor girls.

Sex is being seen as a gold mine for many professionals who are abandoning their more conventional jobs to invest in sex-related endeavors. One of them is William Atella, who abandoned a career in an engineering firm to start anew as a modern gigolo. In 1994 Attela used $30,000 he got from his severance pay to rent and remodel a house in Jacarepaguá that became a clube privê (another code word for whorehouse) called Paradise House.

Last year, already a rich man, he opened a second Paradise House, this time at Barra da Tijuca. In an interview with weekly magazine Isto É, the engineer turned pimp, explained why AIDS doesn't scare his clients: "Here the girls are always tested for HIV."

As for the upper crust of prostitution in the city, according to a recent article from Rio's main daily O Globo, the Mafia is controlling it. Agencies such as Ipanema Models, Rita Modelos and Roberta Modelos offer services of women, sometimes models and magazine covers, who don't charge less than $500 per program and can cost as much as $5,000. The money paid is normally split half and half between the call girl and the escort agency, which is in charge of preparing books with pictures produced in studios and placing ads in major newspapers and publications for tourists. In this market, 25 is the age limit before compulsory retirement.

Call girls, for whom the standards are much laxer, advertise by the hundreds in O Globo, O Dia, and Jornal do Brasil, Rio's three largest dailies. There are also men announcing their services like André Luis, "college degree, loving, tender, , 28. Catering to demanding women and couples -- as long as the man is a voyeur. Personal care in every sense of the word. Have safe sex, use camisinha (little shirt -- condom). Visa accepted. Tel.: (021) 295-2053 -- 24 hours."

Camilla and Ronald presented themselves on a recent Sunday in Jornal do Brasil as a married couple. "He: a real sexual lion. She: a glutton and super female. Together or separate. No one will be disappointed. Check it out! (021) 255-5887."

It's symptomatic that the ubiquitous sex-phones -- as those from some weekly tabloids in the US -- appear in O Globo and Jornal do Brasil under "Termas e Serviços de Massagem", the same place where "models", "escorts", "strip dancers" and "masseuses" sell their wares. By the way, to avoid problems with the law, which is very serious about protecting the under age, these erotic talk conversations are generated outside the country. Only Rio has created a system using special cards and passwords for those willing to call them. Caribbean Islands, Hong Kong, San Marino and even the faraway ex-soviet republic Moldavia are used for the telesex services, which can charge $3 for a minute of conversation.


The action in Rio is also on the beaches. A famous gathering of prostitutes in the afternoon is in front of the Othon Palace Hotel at Copacabana beach and at the tables at the Meia Pataca bar. They charge from $40 to $100 for a quickie, hotel being extra. First class hotels are known to play hard and not allow the entrance of prostitutes. But others like Debret and Caprice seem to derive most of their money from these sexual trysts.

The termas present themselves as massage parlors, but are only a façade for whorehouses. Places like O Paraíso É Aqui (Paradise Is Here) -- Rua Dezenove de Fevereiro, 123, Botafogo -- offer sauna, bar, cable TV and "relax" which is a code word for sex. The prices can vary from around $30 (Pedágios) to $300 (Aeroporto).

Some hotels act as agents for termas. They offer a discreet helping hand. The massage parlor Brasiltand from Botafogo for example, usually sends a car to pick up a client, when a hotel calls. For about $200 the tourist gets transportation, a suite and a girl.

At night, the sex scene gets even hotter in the boates (night clubs) around Rua Princesa Isabel, near Copacabana Beach. Two of the better known places are Mab's and Help, both at Avenida Atlântica. The boys sell themselves in places like The Ball (Praça Serzedelo Correia), Maxim's Bar or Incontros (Posto 6). The tab for drinks can go up very fast in these places while strip-tease shows and live sexual acts are presented. Close to this area some very attractive women are really men.

Talking about his experiences in Rio, a contributor to the World Sex Guide wrote: "The best place is Help Discotheque. When I first went there I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Picture a combination of a high school prom and Soul Train where all the girls are selling pussy. Usually during the season there are at least 300 of the most beautiful girls in the world there. All colors. None ugly. None older than 25. The price for a superstar is $100 for all night." And he concludes boastfully, "In Rio, pussy is available 24 hours a day and reasonably priced. I personally did 11 girls in eight days and spent less than $1,000 total in 1995. I carry a piece of paper with me at all times that says, "Brazilian Prostitute". I read it often, each time I fall in love. But remember that you will not get any free pussy in Rio. During Carnaval pussy flows like water. You must see it if you are to be considered a true sex fiend."


The latest temple to hedonism, a true Xanadu of sex, is Bahamas, a club that opened its doors in São Paulo last January. The pleasure castle has Carrara marble (the same favored by Michelangelo) on its floors, 23 suites, swimming pool and sauna, and cost $2.5 billion to be built. Paulista (from São Paulo) farmer Oscar Maroni Filho, the owner, is very happy with the investment, however.

The cash register starts ringing the moment the client enters the Bahamas door and 250 customers have been visiting the novelty every day. He pays $50 just to get in. A few hors d'oeuvres raise the bill very fast to $150. Add $300 for the girl and $40 for using the suite for one hour and it's easy to understand why Maroni Filho is asking himself why he hasn't left his 1000 plus cows before.

Men without deep pockets can choose from a myriad of other places in São Paulo. An American businessman who went there at the end of last year told The World Sex Guide about his sexual experience there around the São Paulo Hilton Hotel, where he stayed, and gave some pointers:

"From the hotel just walk left to the first street and then make another left about half a block to a street known as Bento Freitas. There, immediately go right and walk a block or two. You'll see a whole bunch of bars with sexy women willing to please you. There'll be no trouble finding them. The women are not only physically beautiful but kind and sweet, and I guarantee you'll be tickled to death."

And he continues: "Drinks are expensive, so my advice is not to stay too long. Just find the girl you like, chat for a while, negotiate a price (about $50 for full service), pay the tab and take her with you. One of the business people I went to see over there told me Brazilian sex workers are among the few in the world who actually enjoy their work. Naturally I thought he was kidding. Well, based on the beautiful girl I had that night, I can only say the man's observation is right on cue!"

Not every one would agree with the American choice, even though Bob Dylan is said to have gone to My Love (Bento Freitas, 344 - Tel: (011) 259-2072) and enjoyed it. The area chosen by the sex-seeking tourist is considered dangerous at night and the whole neighborhood seems to be going downhill. Transvestites are all over and Police are frequently called to calm down those a little too much excited. Things get a little more civilized inside the nightclubs where for around $15 anyone, including couples, can have a drink or two.

Men unaccompanied will be approached immediately upon entering. But the girls for more desperate that they are cannot leave the bar before the client pays for two more drinks. For sex the girl will charge between $30 and $60. These so-called boates are located in the Vila Buarque neighborhood and is known as Boca do Luxo (The Mouth of Luxury) even though this name was given in an earlier and more prosperous time for the whorehouse fronts.

The next step in decadence is the Boca do Lixo (Mouth of Trash) where any possible glamour has disappeared. One example of this is the Itatiaia building at Alameda Barão de Limeira, 134. The ten-floor building has close to 150 women who work every day including Saturdays and Sundays from the time the building opens at 9 am to 9:30 pm when it closes. The Itatiaia has been a temple to prostitution for 47 years. But it has seen much better times.

The crowd frequenting the building used to be mainly white collar workers. Today, however, almost everyone is a blue collar. On pay days the Itatiaia can get busy with more than 2000 men using the 19 apartments which have been divided up in tiny wood partitions. There the customer takes an old and cranky elevator to the top floor and then starts coming down the stairway.

Women in the corridors and on the steps practically throw themselves at the men and for $15 take them to a cubicle with a single bed -- the last couple bed was disassembled two years ago -- where the sex has to be fast (in 15 minutes the times is up) to make room for another girl who has caught the next victim. The money is split with the tia (aunt), the owner of the little rundown apartments which normally sports a sofa, an old juke box and a little fridge with beer. Each tia works with 6 to ten girls who go back to their homes at the end of their work shift.

Another example of zona vertical is the Renda building at number 69 on Rua dos Andradas which is also a ten-floor edifice. As the Itatiaia, the Renda in decades past was considered one of the classiest whorehouses in town. Madams and workers on both buildings calculate that in the almost half a century of existence both whorehouses have witnessed together around 20 million sexual encounters.


The classier and costlier action these days has moved to more upscale areas such as Jardins and Morumbi. Many times they are a mansion among other residential mansions. This has not been without problem. Just recently the city of São Paulo was able to close down Café Photo, the most notorious of the single's bars being used as front for prostitution, which was installed in Itaim. City Hall, answering to complaints from Café Photo neighbors, invoked a zoning restriction to interdict the place.

Maybe on the same level of notoriety is the Antiquário, a place that dubs as an antique shop during the day metamorphosing itself into a bar at night. In both places, the girls are ostensibly presented as free lancers with no connection with the house. The bar is only used as a meeting spot and doesn't offer bed or other place for the carnal consummation. The idea is to escape the label of brothel. Maintaining a whorehouse is a crime that can carry a prison sentence of up to three years.

Recent official pressure against prostitution on the best neighborhoods seems to have only made the contemporary pimps even more brazen. Dinho Rocha, the owner of Antiquário, bought the name Café Photo after the joint was closed and reopened the place in Morumbi -- a neighborhood for the rich -- just to have it closed again soon after. Rocha, normally, very secretive, exposed himself so much, that a police commissioner recognized that face from old times when he was detained for possession of cocaine and revealed the truth. He was a she. And her name is Vailde Rocha Veloso. Unrepentant and unashamed, she declared, "I didn't lie. I am a woman. I have a vagina. And I'm in a relationship with another woman for 12 years. I've never hid my real name. ".

Dinho or Vailde has created a distinctive style: to deal only by phone and with people whom he knew or who had been indicated by someone he trusted. Soon he possessed one of these precious and secret top-name lists as the ones held by some Beverly Hills madams like Heidi Fleiss. One of his clients, according to Rocha, was a Paraguayan politician for whom he had to send periodically seven girls including one who had been in the latest cover of a man magazine.

The idea to create the Antiquário came to Dinho after a disastrous incursion in the legal side of business in 1992 when he lost $2 million in a furniture factory. But he still had money enough to spend $1.2 million to make the sophisticated antique shop. More than a meat market his place is an entertainment spot offering samba and belly dancers and some racier performers like the girl who circulates between the tables covered only with shaving cream.

Sometimes a company rents the place for a private party, and a common attraction on these occasions is a sushi table where the center decoration is a naked woman. Bachelor parties are also common at the Antiquário. And how Dinho recuperates his investment since officially he doesn't get a penny from the girls, the main attraction of the place? Selling liquor, he says. A bottle of whiskey costs $350.

Before having his place shut down, Fábio Puglisi, the founder of Café Photo, used to explain why his house was so successful: "Here we don't have a girl who does programs, that girl that you call for a quickie. The women here are those who really enjoy the night."

There are at least 200 women -- all pretty, all very young, all very expensive -- who live from bar to bar, circulating among similar places like the Caracol Club (Rua Pamplona, 1115 - Tel: (011) 288-5344; La Colina Pizzeria (Rua Heitor Penteado, 474 - Tel: (011) 65-5010; III Whisky (Rua Major Diogo, 51 - Tel: (011) 604-7031 and Farwell (Rua Avanhandava, 16 - Tel: (011) 258-2674).

These girls charge from $150 to $450 for a little action and they have an average income of $6,000 a month. Some can make $20,000 or more. It doesn't happen every day but there are those who end up marrying a customer, getting an expensive jewel as gift, or being surprised even with a new car.

In a career with the shortest of life spans, these girls, who normally dream of becoming top models but give up because of the competition, end up making less ambitious plans like traveling to Europe, buying a house or opening a boutique.


    Another option for those looking for sex in São Paulo is the saunas mistas (coed saunas) where the women are prostitutes who work for the establishment. Most of these houses are located in a strip of Rua Augusta closer to downtown, the other extremity of the street being flanked by sophisticated boutiques.

    Don't look for sophistication in the saunas, however. They offer a little bar and a small room with steam where some naked women wait for the hungry wolf. To get inside these places there is a fee that is typically less than $10. Another $10 will guarantee a little cubicle with a bed. The price of sex is negotiable and is discussed directly with the girl.

    They start by asking $50, but will settle for around $30 for a session that might last 45 minutes. Before and after the coitus, the customer is invited to take a shower. The use of condom is mandatory. Women are very pleasing and ready to satisfy almost any desire even those of men who would like to have sex with two girls at the same time.

    The sauna places at Rua Augusta have names like Café Paris (on the 723 - Tel: (011) 259-7871 and Night House (at number 757 - Tel: (011) 258-8414). The girls here are much less sophisticated than their colleagues from the single's bars. They are women like Ana Carolina, who declared in an interview to Ele Ela magazine: "For the most part the customers here are looking for affection and a little relaxation. All they want is to cool down. I don't see myself as a sexual object. I simply fulfill fantasies and perform dramatic roles."

    For couples in search of some excitement, São Paulo offers also several swinger clubs. The Paris Texas club (Avenida Pompéia, 678 - Tel: 65-6785) which is a peep show during the week has room for the Couples Meeting on Saturdays. For $40 (minimum consumption) couples are treated to a series of erotic games and plays. One of the favorite is the Magic Tent in which under total darkness a tent with a naked couple inside is brought to the room. Through special holes opened in the tent's fabric, people are encouraged to touch the naked bodies as they please. In another game, well-hung boys chase after the wives. When one of them says yes, she is taken to the dance floor where she is massaged, kissed and sucked in front of everybody.

    At Clube Paradise -- Rua Correa Dias, 161 - Tel: (011) 570-4457 -- couples are encouraged to be creative and to expose themselves. There are six suites where the hottest people can continue what they started in public. The meetings on Thursdays and Fridays, which cost $50, offer a climate conducive to seduction, with little light and male strippers' shows. The encounters start always the same way: bashful people going around in bathrobes, drinking and sitting close or inside the Jacuzzi. But the participants usually warm up very fast when thighs, breasts, pubis and genitalia start to crop up.

    The market for sexual gadgets and entertainment is exploding. Sex shops, however, are a very recent phenomenon that is being helped by the AIDS scare. This sector is already a half a billion dollar industry. Business is so promising that American giant VCA Pictures has joined forces with Ponto G (G Spot) to open a nationwide chain of sex-shops. But there are no more than 150 of these stores in Brazil right now. One of them, Brinquedo dos Prazeres (Play of Pleasures), has already set shop on the Internet at http://www.dglnet.com.br/sexshop with the promise: "here you will find a large assortment of articles to fulfill your erotic fantasies."

    The Internet is still very small in a country where a simple telephone is an investment (around $5,000) and a clear line is a rarity some days, but there are already a least one dozen home pages dealing with sex in its soft and hard-core manifestations. One of them is A Heavy Sex (in English like this) -- http://www.nlink.com.br/~ivrjr -- which warns possible surfers: "Don't be troubled if upon entering you are faced with unbelievable pictures. Here you will find the hottest and dirtiest pictures." The Internet Sex Road page promises "close to 2,000 links of sex, pictures, eroticism and much more" and has a bit tortuous address: http://www.elogica.com.br/users/jampa/se/semenu.html

    Swingers do Brasil -- http://www.amazon.com.br/~sb -- at the end of May was an almost empty page with the warning in English: "Be safe, use condom" and the presentation of categories in English and Portuguese: couple seeking couple, woman seeking man, man seeking woman, woman seeking woman and so on, followed by the appeal: "Join us, add your advertisement and photos." They were promising real action for June 20th. Armed only with an E-mail (tom.guim@biohard.com.br) a Brazilian has placed an ad on the Internet announcing the creation of "a group of boys and girls for group masturbation or safe sex".

    After ten years of silence the porno film industry is also having a rebirth. In a little more than half a year, at least 40 pornographic movies have been shot. Among them series like Brasileirinhas and Meninas do Rio (Girls from Rio). Fantasy Adult Video -- Largo do Machado, 29, Rio de Janeiro - Tel: (021) 225-5602 -- is selling national porno videos like Rio, Sexo e Sedução ("meetings, disagreements and a lot of sex") and A Revanche (The Reprisal) ("a sex cocktail: anal, conventional, group and lesbian sex") also through the Internet on http://www.fantasy.com.br


    Luz del Fuego is the heroine and inspiration for Brazilian naturists. This native of Espírito Santo, who was born Dora Vivacqua, became famous as a stripper who danced with a boa. In 1948, at 31 years of age, she started the first nudist colony in the country.

    Despite all the official opposition to her work, she was able to lease Ilha do Sol, a little island off Baía da Guanabara in Rio, where only naked people were allowed. Ilha do Sol had some 200 members from all over the world. There are rumors that even Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas frequented the nudism paradise.

    Only now is naturism gathering speed in Brazil. The whole country has only five official nudist beaches. There are 40 other places that are tolerated by the authorities. Praia do Pinho, located 8 miles from the famous Camboriú beach is the most celebrated naturism beach in the country with bar, restaurant, and a camping area. It's divided into two areas: one for families and women alone and another one for unaccompanied men. This is to avoid voyeurs.

    There are 120,000 Brazilians who practice nudism. About 40,000 of them are Gaúchos (from Rio Grande do Sul). The Federação Brasileira de Naturismo (FBT) has its headquarters there. Celso Rossi, 36, a Gaúcho, is the man behind the movement. He has organized more than 20 naturism associations in Brazil and overseas and has been FBT's president for 8 years. Interested in subscribing to the magazine Naturis, FBT's official publication or getting information about the Naturism Federation? Their address is Federação Brasileira de Naturismo, Caixa Postal 328, Gramado, Rio Grande do Sul - 95670-000. Information on Colina do Sol, a just-started naturist condominium also in Rio Grande do Sul, can be obtained at Caixa Postal 170, Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul - 95600-000. Tel: (051) 985-1425.

The naturism map


    Pinho, Camboriú (Santa Catarina) -- compulsory nudity, easy access
    Pedras Altas, Florianópolis (Santa Catarina) -- optional nudity, difficult access
    Olho de Boi, Búzios (Rio de Janeiro) -- optional nudity, difficult access
    Barra Seca, Linhares (Espírito Santo) -- compulsory nudity, easy access
    Tambaba, Conde (Paraíba) -- optional nudity, difficult access

    Unofficial beaches

      Nudity is always optional
      Access generally easy

      Rio Grande do Sul
      Dunas, Cidreira
      Santa Catarina
      São Paulo
      Brava, Caraguatatuba
      Rio de Janeiro
      Parati Mirim, Parati
      Fig. da Trindade, Parati
      Ilha do Pelado, Parati
      Ilha do Ventura, Parati
      Adão e Eva, Niterói
      Jaconé, Maricá
      Maçambaba, Saquarema
      Praia Seca, Araruama
      Brava, Cabo Frio
      Focas, Búzio
      Virgem, Rio das Ostras
      Farolito, Campos
      Ilha da Coroa Vermelha, Nova Viçosa
      Barra Velha, Nova Viçosa
      Pedra Grande, Porto Seguro
      Trancoso, Porto Seguro
      Pitinga, Porto Seguro
      Artistas, Salvador
      Forte, Salvador
      Abais, Aracaju
      DNER, Maceió
      Ilha do Coroa
      Ilha dos Amores, Recife
      Rio Grande do Norte
      Malembar, Georgino Avelino
      Fernando de Noronha
      Canoa Quebrada, Aracati
      Batoque, Capomba
      Cumbuco, Fortaleza
      Jericoacoara, Camocim
      Ajiruteua, Bragança
      Romana, Ilha da Romana
      Princesa, Ilha do Algodoal
      Ajiruteua, Marapinim

From the classifieds

    São Paulo

    Absolute! She-cats and pussycats. Economy class $200 - Executive class $300 - First class starting at $500. Call (011) 884-2077 D'Books - 24 hours

    Adriane Transvestite, highly feminine, gorgeous buns and boobs, complete oral. Hotel/motel/private (011) 976-8320 - 24 hours

    Adryen - Fascinating magazine cover, A class. Hotel/Motel. $150 - Tel: (011) 279-0174

    Agência Sílvia - Gorgeous girls. We have books and boys. 24 hours - Tel: (011) 581-3274

    Love at 3 - Girl $30, duo $100 - Tel: (011) 65-7262 - Perdizes

    Ana Carolina - Jazz teacher, beginner, she will make you wild. A Class. $200 - Tel: (011) 277-3584

    Anita - I do it all for love. Come get wild with me - Tel: (011) 282-2594

    Carlão, 23, pumping-iron teacher. Hyper gifted (a cat). Call right now - Tel: (011) 224-8221

    Eliza, all blonde, offers anal without squirming and crazy oral - Tel: (011) 531-0667 - Brooklin

    Kelly, beginner little girl, 18, hard all over. I do and like everything - Tel: (011) 535-0359

    Paula - Turn me inside out. Sensational oral. Hotel/motel/local - 24 hours - - Tel: (011) 853-3368

    Amelinha - I'm the queen of the oral and anal. I wait for you with love and thirst - Tel: (011) 277-5106

From the Classifieds


    Suely - Redhead pussycat, 18, sensual pregnant, caring, irresistible - (021) 205-2406 - 24 hours - Luxury place, hotel, motel, residence, trips

    Barbarically Barbara, sinuous curves, domineering, sexy, die of pleasure. Cards accepted - (021) 541-0339

    Bruna Brandalise - Blonde, honey eyes, a Gaúcha panther, gymnastics instructor, passing through Rio. Expert in sex with champagne. Discreet. Services to executive and couples of extremely good taste. Fee $500 - (021) 974-8880.

    Sandra and Tatila - Inseparable friends, come enjoy and take part in this love eclipse. - (021) 205-2406 - Luxury private place. We take checks

    Yoko - Beautiful beginner Nisei, 18, sensual, kind, breasts raised like an arrow - (021) 972-0905 - Luxury private place - Checks and cards accepted

    Adelson - (021) 295-4086 - Undeniably beautiful, green eyes, 26, a true stallion. Ride your fantasy, feel like a true female in irresistible arms.

    Juliana Bastos, Barra da Tijuca's summer muse, extremely beautiful, sculptural body, photos for magazine, sexy, high level $100 - (021) 227-6615 - Beginner

    Without prostitution - Men/women/couples, high level, take part in unforgettable secret meetings. Ipanema party on 06/11/96. Become a member - (021) 293-4613 - Vanessa




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