metatag Brazil to Get 78 New US$ 0.40-a-Meal Restaurants - brazzil

Brazil to Get 78 New US$ 0.40-a-Meal Restaurants

The director of Food and Nutritional Security of Brazil’s Ministry of Social Development and Hunger Alleviation, Crispim Moreira, said that in 2005 his office wants to “spend US$ 16.1 million (38 million reais) on the community restaurants program.”

Furthermore, he foresees the construction of around 78 units by 2006. These places should offer meals for 1 real (US$ 0.42).

He made this declaration in an interview with the Radio Nacional, following the closing session on July 7 of a seminar on community restaurants, in Brasí­lia.

“The Ministry’s expectation is that, by August 17, the municipalities chosen for the program will be able to present the necessary documents, the work plan, and the technical project, in addition to having signed the contract for the start of construction,” he said.

All these phases are executed in partnership with the Federal Savings Bank (CEF, Caixa Econômica Federal).

Moreira explained that there are three models for the restaurants: for 1, 3, and 6 thousand meals, according to the size of the municipality.

“For municipalities with up to 300 thousand inhabitants, we recommend restaurants with 1 thousand meals; for those with between 300 thousand and a million inhabitants, with 3 thousand meals; and with more than that, it is ideal to build a restaurant with the capacity to serve up to 6 thousand meals.”

The menus are prepared taking into account regional characteristics and products that are in season.



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