metatag USA Archives - Page 7 of 9 - brazzil
A group of Brazilian friends.

Are Brazilians Hispanics? Latinos? It Depends. Most Would Like to Just Be Called Brazilian

Bikini waxes, keratin hair blowouts and all-you-can-eat steakhouses. In the United States, all three ...

Cover of A Caminho do Ouro - Norte-americanos na Ilha de Santa Catarina (The Golden Road - Americans in Santa Catarina)

When Brazil Was the Best Route for Americans Searching for California’s Gold

“This small island has many attractions: its fruits have no rivals, its landscape is ...

US president Donald Trump

What Brazil and Latin America Can Teach About a Donald Trump’s Conceivable Impeachment

Some Americans and members of Congress have called for the impeachment of President Donald ...

Rio Market, in Astoria, New York

Brazilian Expats Longing for the Homeland Give Rise to 20,000 Businesses Abroad

Survey by Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs shows that there are near 20,000 micro ...

Once Again the US Is Banning Fresh Meat from Brazil

Brazil Rushes to Save Its Image After Another Ban of Fresh Meat by the US

Brazil rushed to contest a ban on fresh beef imports on Friday after the ...

Xingu river, in the Brazilian Amazon - Photo: Paulino Menezes

Brazil Wishes to Double Number of Foreign Tourists It Gets. But This Will Be a Tough Sell

Brazil, South America’s largest nation, has many natural and cultural treasures that are popular ...

President Michel Temer checking his cell phone - Beto Barata/PR

Brazil Prosecutor Wants President Temer Impeached for Illegal Campaign with Rousseff

Brazilian President Michel Temer since taking office, in May 2016, has faced one crisis ...

A picture from the Labor Ministry shows slave work - Sergio Carvalho/MTE

For Many Brazilians the Dream of Prosperity in the Amazon Ends Up in Slavery

The dictionary definition of a settler, “one who emigrates to populate and/or exploit a ...

Rendition of Brazil's SGDC Satellite. Photo: Thales Alenia Space

Brazil Launches the Satellite the US Spying Forced It to Build

Brazil will launch its first own satellite to protect the transfer of privileged national ...