metatag Law Archives - Page 5 of 11 - brazzil
Brazilian National Congress - Photo: Embratur

Latest Charge Against Brazil’s President: Bribing Legislators to Avoid Impeachment

Brazilian President Michel Temer is facing accusations that he bribed lawmakers to assure their ...

Pictures of a younger Luiz Carlos da Rocha and now

After 30 Years and Plastic Surgery, Police Nab Brazil’s Number One Druglord

Police have captured one of South America’s biggest cocaine kingpins, Luiz Carlos da Rocha, ...

Justice statue in front of the Supreme Court building in Brasília - Photo: SCO/STF

Defiant, Brazil’s President Charged with Corruption Vows Not to Resign

Brazil’s President Michel Temer says nothing will destroy him, as he faces suspension and ...

Lula adored by the people - Ricardo Stuckert/Instituto Lula

Nobody Can Beat Lula in the Run for Brazil’s Presidency

Brazil’s former President Luiz Inácio Lula de Silva is still leading polls for the ...

President Michel Temer leaves Norway to go back to Brazil - Beto Barata/PR

For the First Time, a Brazilian President in Office is Charged with Corruption

Brazil’s Attorney General Rodrigo Janot has formally accused President Michel Temer of corruption in ...

Lula talks to fans in Curitiba, Paraná - Ricardo Stuckert/Instituto Lula

Acquit Lula, Says Defense. There’s no Proof of Wrongdoing and Evidence of Innocence

The lack of evidence from the prosecution to convict former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio ...

A woman protests against the government in Brasília - ABr

Brazil’s Corruption? This Is Small Change. The Real Problem Are the 60,000 Killed a Year

Somewhere between outraged and perplexed, Brazilians have been bombarded with news about their political ...