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Benefits Of Organic Baby Clothes

For most of us, there will come a day, if it hasn’t come already, that we will welcome into the world a tiny little bundle of joy. Speaking from experience, it is an experience that can be just as wildly variable as it is the most aggressive emotional rollercoaster ever known to mankind.

There are just so many things to consider and decisions to be made in regards to the baby, and every one of those decisions is up to you. What sort of feeding are you going to do with the baby? What diapers and wipes do you buy? Have you seen a baby supply section? Where do you even begin?

While everyone is going to reach their own conclusions, there are some things that are just simply better choices as opposed to the alternative. Given that the skin is the largest organ of the body, what you put on it is definitely one of those things to be seriously considered. Organic baby clothes can help protect your baby, and we’ll go a little into how.

Organic Cotton

There are many people, adults, and children alike, who have some rather serious and sometimes painful skin conditions and allergies that can be made much worse by using the wrong type of fabric or chemicals. A lot of chemicals are used in the standard clothing manufacturing process as mass production increases. These fabrics tend to absorb and hold onto these harsh chemicals long after they are bought.

With organic cotton, there are no chemicals used in the manufacturing process, and therefore no chemicals to latch onto the fibers of the fabric and later onto your skin. Not only does the organic process leave a safer fabric for the wearer, but it also makes the cost lower for the making of each item.

Environmental Impact

The goal of every parent is to do what they can to ensure they leave the world better for their children. Using organic clothing in place of standard fabric clothing can be one way to help make the future planet we leave to our kids as clean as possible.

Standard cotton fibers are grown using lots of different chemicals and pesticides to ensure both maximum plant growth and harvest yield; pesticides and chemicals that are left behind in the ground to contribute to pollution of water, ground, and other sources. Organic cotton is grown without the use of any form of pesticides or chemicals from non-modified cotton seeds. This process is the most environmentally friendly way to grow it, by far.

Organic Clothing Is Even Safer

Not only does the fact that organic growing uses no chemicals or insecticides mean that it is safer for your baby, but it also means that it is safer for the people growing the cotton and the entire planet as a whole.

Conventional cotton farms have been attributed to using as much as a quarter of all insecticides used on crops globally. 25% of all insecticides, on this one single crop. An estimated ten thousand farmers succumb to different forms of cancer each year that is caused by the use of these chemicals on crops that become consumer products.

Organic Only Makes Sense

Now, why would you want anyone, let alone your baby, to be part of an industry that is dangerous and even deadly to everyone involved in the manufacturing process, as well as even the consumer at the end in some cases? It’s just not reasonable when there is an alternative.

Organic clothing lasts longer, isn’t more expensive, and is even safer for you and your baby. The risks of switching are zero, while the risk of continuing with conventional cotton fiber clothing could potentially be deadly. But, only you can decide.

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