metatag US-based Executive AirShare Committed to Buy Over 50 Embraer Jets from Brazil - brazzil

US-based Executive AirShare Committed to Buy Over 50 Embraer Jets from Brazil

Phenom 300 Brazilian aircraft maker Embraer received an expansion order for the Phenom 300 jet from Kansas City-based Executive AirShare. The deal adds two firm orders to the customer's current backlog of four firm orders and four options for this jet model.

Executive AirShare, which is one of the largest regional fractional aircraft ownership companies in the US, and also has firm orders for the Phenom 100, had already doubled its order for the Phenom 300 jet in May 2008. The American company now has 43 Phenom 100 jets ordered, with options for 12 more.

"We are proud of being a part of Executive AirShare's success by offering modern, comfortable and reliable products," said Ernest Edwards, Embraer Vice President, Marketing and Sales USA, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean – Executive Jets. "This additional order confirms, once again, the wide acceptance of our Phenom jets."

"Both Phenom aircraft offer the range, speed, comfort and payload that our customers are seeking," said Keith D. Plumb, Executive AirShare President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). "Our shareowners are particularly excited about the progress Embraer is making toward certification of the Phenom 100 and the impressive flight testing performance of the Phenom 300."

The first Phenom 100 is scheduled to be delivered to Executive AirShare in the second quarter of 2009, while the Phenom 300 is expected for 2011.

The two jets should work well for the company, the only established fractional aircraft ownership to offer these two Embraer models. Executive AirShare's members have access to their aircraft for a given number of days per year rather than a strict number of annual flight-hours, as is the case with most similar companies.


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