metatag French Carmakers Grow Above Average in the Brazilian Market - brazzil

French Carmakers Grow Above Average in the Brazilian Market

Renault Sandero made in Brazil Carmaker Renault Brazil has just announced that it sold 79,273 vehicles between January and August this year, an increase of 82% over the same period in 2007. The performance was greater than the average growth of the national auto industry, which was 26.4% in the period.

The company informed that it is in the fifth position in the ranking of sector sales. Compact vehicles Sandero (hatchback) and Logan (sedan) were the best selling models for the carmaker, and they were among the 20 cars most sold in Brazil between January and August.

In August alone, Renault sold 10,369 vehicles, 37 more than in August last year, and the organization's market share is 4.5%. Sales of the industry as a whole rose 4% in August.

Another French group, Peugeot Citroí«n, also disclosed its results on Friday. Sales in 2008 exceeded 100,000 cars and light commercial vehicles, growth of 33.8% in comparison with the period from January to August last year.

"We are exceeding the objectives we set and this only makes us want to work more, to maintain an even stronger rhythm of growth in the country," stated Vincent Rambaud, director general for Brazil and the Mercosur at Peugeot Citroí«n, according to a press statement disclosed by the company. In August alone, Peugeot Citroí«n sold 12,124 vehicles in the country.

In all, 1.68 million vehicles were produced in Brazil in the first half of this year. On the domestic market, 1.4 million vehicles were traded, 30% more than in the same period last year. Exports totaled 366,000 vehicles in the first half. The figures were disclosed by Brazil's National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers (Anfavea). According to the organization, this is the best half in the historic series in terms of sales.

Sales of vehicles in the Brazilian market grew 5.8% in the month of June when compared to the previous month. In July a total of 256,000 new cars were registered, as against 242,000 in May. In comparison with June last year, when 198,000 units were sold, the growth was 28.8%.

The Anfavea monthly balance sheet shows that vehicle production also broke records, having risen from 289,000 units in May to 303,000 units in June (4.8%). With regard to June last year, when 246,000 units were produced, the increase was 23%. In the accumulated result for the first six months of the year, production totaled 1,680,976 units, against 1,385,488 (21.3%) last year.

Exports reached 66,000 units in June, expansion of 20.3% over May. When compared with June last year, the increase was 3.7%. In the accumulated result for the year, exports reached 366,000 units.

According to Anfavea president Jackson Schneider, sector growth should continue in the second half, although at slower rates, due to the level of production and consumption that the domestic market has reached. "We have now reached production and consumption over 200,000 units, which shows that growth should remain, but at a lower rhythm than what has been taking place in recent years."

Schneider stated that this accommodation is extremely positive as it allows for more structured planning and long-term growth without leaps and bounds. "It is a natural accommodation of the productive chain, which is complex and broad, so it is better to grow in the long run at a slower rhythm than in the short run and with great leaps," he said.


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