metatag Brazil Reduces Grain Harvest Forecast by 8 Million Tons - brazzil

Brazil Reduces Grain Harvest Forecast by 8 Million Tons

The Brazilian government statistical bureau (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatÀ­stica) (IBGE) has reduced its estimate for the 2005/2006 Brazilian grain harvest by 0.92%.

According to the June farm crop survey by the IBGE (Levantamento Sistemático da Produção Agrí­cola), it is now expected that total grain production will reach 118.5 million tons in 2006, compared to the May survey estimate of 119.7 million tons.

This is the fifth consecutive month that the IBGE has reduced its grain harvest estimate. In January the estimate was 126 million tons. Even so, estimates for 2006 remain higher than the final total grain harvest in 2005, which was 112.4 million tons.

The IBGE reports problems with the weather – too much rain at the wrong time in some areas, and drought in others. The June report also says that there has been a 3.82% reduction in total cropland this year.

EU Inspects Beef

A European mission, which is in Brazil inspecting beef certification, was in São José do Rio Preto, visiting the offices of the Secretary of Agriculture of the state of São Paulo yesterday, June 5. They also visited cattle ranches in Barretos.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the group will also visit the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás. In Mato Grosso do Sul they will observe measures in place to control foot and mouth disease.

The European mission will be in Brazil until July 17.



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