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Brazil: 8 Ministers Leave Lula’s Cabinet to Run for Office

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has accepted the resignations of eight of his cabinet members who wish to run for office.

Pursuant to Brazilian legislation, in order to run for elective office they cannot hold a government position or appointment. The exceptions are presidents, governors, mayors and congressmen running for reelection.

According to Palácio do Planalto (the presidential office) spokespersons, the following ministers will be leaving: Jaques Wagner [Institutional Relations] (Relações Institucionais); Vice President José Alencar [Defense] (Defesa); Alfredo Nascimento [Transportation] (Transportes); Miguel Rossetto [Agrarian Development] (Desenvolvimento Agrário), Jose Fritsch [head of the Secretariat of Aquiculture and Fishing] (Secretaria de Aqüicultura e Pesca), Saraiva Felipe [Health] (Saúde), Agnelo Queiroz [Sports](Esporte) and Ciro Gomes [National Integration] (Integração Nacional).

Most of the ministers will be substituted by executive secretaries, which means the cabinet will be much more technical than political. One exception is that Tarso Genro, a longtime PT politician, will take over Institutional Relations. A substitute for Alencar at Defense was not announced.



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