metatag Brazil Brings to US Expo the Cutting Edge on ATMs - brazzil

Brazil Brings to US Expo the Cutting Edge on ATMs

Itautec, one of Brazil’s largest high-tech manufacturers, will be taking part in the 28th annual BAI Retail Delivery Conference & Expo 2005 this November 15-18 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

The company will be demonstrating its newest line of ATMs. Specially featured models are the Thru The Wall (TTW) model, which is installed inside the building and makes a panel available through an opening in the wall so that all interfaces are shown to the client.

They will also be showing the Universal ATM, which satisfies requirements for people with special needs; and the Multi Deposit ATM, which can process envelope deposits, checks via image capture, and wrapped packets of bills.

This will be the fifth time that Itautec participates at BAI. From the company’s standpoint, the trade fair opens doors to markets in the Americas.

"This event is an excellent opportunity to gain international recognition for Itautec. What’s more, we’ve made important contacts at all the earlier fairs for subsequent business," says Simon R. Schvartzman, International Operations Director for Itautec.

Itautec will be presenting products developed for export, such as the Full Function ATM, with capabilities for cash withdrawal, deposit and bill-paying by scanner; the Check Dispenser ATM and Exchange ATM, which can perform on-the-spot exchange of currencies, or distribution of tickets and coupons.

Visitors to BAI can also become acquainted with self-service booths in the WebWay product line for bill paying, shopping, information seekers, interactive functions, document delivery and communications among different departments within a company.

In the software department, Itautec will be rolling out its AutoManager, a remote management solution for terminals and processing, and the SIGA: "Self- service Interactive Guest Assistance" system, which provides resources for management of people waiting in line and monitoring of staff performance.

Itautec works with banking and business automation, consumer products and software. A subsidiary of Itausa – Investimentos Itaú S.A., it is Brazil’s second largest private group by sales volume.

Itautec –


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