metatag With an Eye Overseas, Brazil Imposes Stricter Sanitary Control on Fish - brazzil

With an Eye Overseas, Brazil Imposes Stricter Sanitary Control on Fish

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply and the Secretariat of Aquaculture and Fishing signed a technical cooperation agreement, today, to ensure greater quality and sanitary control of fish sold in Brazil.

The undersecretary of Aquaculture and Fishing Development, Altemir Gregolin, said that the agreement will contribute mainly to improving sanitary inspection norms, so as to offer consumers a higher quality product.

According to Gregolin, the agreement will also help expand fish exports, since, through the agreement, the country’s fishing sector will develop, ensuring the exportation of quality products and improving Brazil’s image abroad.

The change in sanitary inspection norms was adopted to avert problems like the one that occurred this year with imported Chilean salmon.

The salmon form Chile was suspected of carrying a parasite that ended up infecting 28 people in Brazil. The disease is contracted by consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish.

ABr –


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