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Brazil’s New OAS Ambassador Wants a More Socially Active Organization

Ambassador Osmar Vladimir Chohfi today presented credentials as the new Permanent Representative of Brazil to the Organization of American States (OAS) and shortly afterwards addressed the Permanent Council, where he spoke about the adoption of a hemispheric convention against racism as a top priority for Brazil.

He also called for speedy adoption of a hemispheric social charter and its companion action plan.

The Ambassador stressed Brazil’s total commitment to help strengthen the Organization so it can better serve the collective interest of the citizens of the Americas in the many important areas, including fighting poverty, social exclusion and discrimination.

He also touched on multidimensional security, human rights, civil rights and economic development as crucial aspects.

In the Permanent Council of member state representatives, Ambassador Chohfi also spoke about the high level of importance his government places on the OAS as the hemisphere’s premier political forum.

Ambassador Chohfi presented his accreditation letters to the newly-installed Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, during a brief ceremony at the Organization’s headquarters.

Assistant Secretary General Luigi Einaudi, Permanent Council Chairman Ambassador Alberto Borea of Peru, and several senior OAS and Brazilian Permanent Mission officials were on hand.

Chohfi pledged to devote special attention to initiatives on institutional strengthening and consolidation of democracy, socio-economic development, human rights protection, and combating transnational organized crime.

He said the wide-ranging, complex OAS agenda has a direct bearing on the dreams and aspirations of the hemisphere’s citizens.

In his first official act since assuming office Thursday, Secretary General Insulza welcomed Ambassador Chohfi and the expertise he brings to the work of the organization. Insulza also praised Brazil’s active involvement in the OAS and the international community.

The recipient of a number of awards from governments and institutions, Chohfi is a career diplomat who has held various senior positions in the Brazilian Foreign Affairs Ministry and in the Office of the President.

His numerous diplomatic assignments include being Ambassador in Ecuador, Spain and Andorra. From 1984 to 1985 he was chief advisor to then OAS Secretary General João Clemente Baena Soares, a Brazilian.

Chohfi holds a degree in juridical and social sciences from the University of São Paulo and studied diplomacy as well as trade promotion at Brazil’s diplomacy school, the Rio Branco Institute.



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