Brazil and US Join Forces to Fight Terror and Piracy

Brazil and the United States will be able to expedite actions to prevent, investigate, and combat border crimes and international terrorism.

Decree 5410, which was published in the Brazilian Diário Oficial (Federal Register) this week and is already in effect, promulgates an agreement signed between the two countries in June, 2002, with these objectives in mind.

By the terms of the agreement, the two countries will cooperate to combat black-marketing and the trafficking of medicines, among other crimes. They will also act jointly to apply measures to control the flow of illegal merchandise, such as arms, and human beings.

According to information released by the Federal Revenue agency, agreements of this type subscribe to a model recommended by the World Customs Organization, to which Brazil belongs.

Since 1981 Brazil has been signing customs agreements to demonstrate its desire to encourage regular, legitimate trade and protect society from possibly illegal transactions.

The Federal Revenue agency also informed that, in Brasí­lia, the joint actions will not be limited solely to administrative support.

They will also encourage the exchange of information and administrative and judicial cooperation, such as appearances by experts or witnesses from one country in the other.

“Moreover, there are provisions for a continous exchange of information between the Brazilian Federal Revenue Secretariat and the American Customs Administration concerning the embarkation and transport of cargos and documentation in specific operations in which underbilling or overbilling is suspected, among other items,” the Federal Revenue agency informed.

Agência Brasil


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