metatag Brazil Shows the Winners of Low Cost Housing Competition - brazzil

Brazil Shows the Winners of Low Cost Housing Competition

Housing competition

Sponsored by the Institute of Architects of Brazil (IAB) and the Society of Housing and Urban Development (CDHU), the winners of Housing for All (Habitação para Todos) competition were recently announced.

The contest was aimed at architects around the country whilst also encouraging the promotion sustainability, affordability and efficient industry practices. Entry submissions were made between March and July and were split into single, staggered (on two levels) houses, townhouses in addition to buildings with three / four / six and seven floors.

The projects were evaluated by a team of experienced professionals considering economic / environmental viability; use of space / amplification; external / semi-public features; unification with the local environment; effective use of communal areas as well as accessibility and the adherence to universal design standards.

At the ceremony, the jury explained that their analysis was also based on the effective use of innovatory principles combined with practical application and longevity.

Winners of each category received 50,000 reais (US$ 29.359) and second place awardees received 25,000 reais (14.679). As well as being featured in an up-and-coming book highlighting the concept of sustainability in Brazil’s housing sector, those that were awarded first place are also likely to be commissioned for several projects in the São Paulo region.

See designs of the teams that achieved first place as well as those who came second and received honorary awards:

Ruban Selvanayagam is a Brazil real estate and land specialist. For free e-books, state guides, up-to-date statistics, strategies, interviews, articles, weekly broadcasts and more please head to the Brazil Real Estate and Land Investment Guide via the following link:


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