metatag Value of Brazil Companies Up 130% in 2009. Compare this to 28% in the US - brazzil

Value of Brazil Companies Up 130% in 2009. Compare this to 28% in the US

Bovespa, Brazil The aggregate value of Brazilian listed companies rose by almost 130% in 2009, according to a study disclosed by consultancy company Economática. According to the research, the 304 companies listed in the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) were worth US$ 533.6 billion in December 2008.

With the good performance of the Brazilian capital markets in 2009, their market value reached US$ 1.224 trillion at the end of December.

In this area, Brazil presented the largest percentage and nominal growth this year among the countries in Latin America and the United States. According to Economática, the market value of the 704 Latin-American countries grew 94.7% and reached US$ 2.08 trillion in December 2009.

In the US, the companies that are included in the S&P 500 index appreciated by 28.1% in the same comparison, and ended the year with an aggregate market value of US$ 10.354 trillion.

Although the percentile growth for the US was smaller, the nominal expansion in comparison with December 2008 was US$ 2.273 trillion, more than the value of all Latin-American companies together.

In the case of Brazil, the sector that grew most was building, whose companies ended the year with a market value of US$ 30.6 billion, expansion of 368% in comparison with December 2008.

The sector with the greatest participation in the total, however, is the banking sector, with a market value of US$ 259.6 billion, growth of 126% in comparison with the last month of 2008.



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