metatag Brazilian Northeast Invites World to Do Business - brazzil

Brazilian Northeast Invites World to Do Business

12th International Business Meeting of the Northeast Brazilian entrepreneurs from the Northeast interested in promoting their products on the foreign market are being invited to enroll for participation in the XIII International Business Meeting of the Northeast, to take place on March 26 and 27, 2009, in Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará state.

Turned to associations of artisans, small and micro companies, exporters or organizations with potential for export, the event focuses mainly on the generation of business among businessmen from the Northeast and abroad, seeking the opening of new markets for entrepreneurs in the region and capable of exchange and partnerships.

In its thirteenth edition, the International Business Meeting of the Northeast is going to bring together 220 companies from the region and 70 international buyers, in the sectors of food and beverages, handicraft, garment manufacturing, cosmetics, floriculture and furniture.

This year, the event should have a broad program focusing on the International Business Roundtables, a product showroom and the Institutional Space of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries.

Among the visitors expected, as happened in previous years, are representatives from companies in Angola, Argentina, Cape Verde, Chile, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Italy, Jordan, Mexico, Mozambique, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Russia, São Tomé and Prí­ncipe, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, the Canary Islands, the French Guiana, the Netherlands, the United States and Trinidad and Tobago.

Promoted by the Ceará state Sebrae, the XIII International Business Meeting of the Northeast is a partnership between the Federation of Associations of Commerce, Industry, Services and Agriculture of the State of Ceará (Facic), the Federation of Agriculture and Fisheries of the State of Ceará (Faec) and the Trade Association of Ceará, Fecempe.

Other partners include, the Federation of Commerce, the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency, the Bank of the Northeast, the Federal Savings Bank, the Bank of Brazil, the Federation of Industries of the State of Ceará, the Government of the State of Ceará, the Federal Government and the Brazilian Association of the Textile and Garment Industry.



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